Saturday, December 12, 2009

Can I Use Expired Nystatin?

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

My name is Muhammad, and I am a young Muslim.
Born in Africa, to the north, in the Arab area, in the Egyptian nation, its capital, Cairo.
are, therefore, a human being , all the earth is my home and all men are my brothers.
And I African, mother son black color at night, which led also to the dawn of Western civilization nowadays.
Sono arabo , in ricerca perpetua di un’oasi o di un bel verso di poesia.
E sono egiziano , e come no?! I miei antenati sono Akhenatun e Nefertiti, miei nonni sono Urabi e Mustafa Kamel, figlio della rivoluzione di Nasser, con la sua tenacia e i suoi bei sogni, e anche uno della generazione di Kifaya e della dinastia Mubarak!
Egiziano, fino all’ultima goccia del mio sangue, recita una canzone che ha un titolo significativo: AlHudud , i confini.
Ma sono anche italianista , studente della lingua e della culture of the Bel Paese, a reader and Eco Saviano, of Terzani and Maggiani, Ungaretti and Pea and so on. A fan of Fiorello and Benigni, listener Melog on Radio24 Nicoletti and 610 of Lillo and Greg on Radio Rai 3.
I am all this and more, living with all these identities with no schizophrenia or paranoia.
But, last but not least, after all, or rather first of all, Muslim . And this is my choice. Born into a Muslim family, I was never very attached to religion. The fact is that in 1999, the last year before the new millennium, I had a scholarship to a months in Italy. I imagined that the Italians treated me like an Egyptian, the land of the Pyramids, or Africa, the Nile and the desert , or simply as a foreigner, who speaks Arabic!
Instead, the first time, asked me
- What's your name?
- Muhammad.
- Muslim?
- Yes
And from that time on that my relationship with Islam began to take a different nature. I still remember how I was assaulted with questions about God and his existence, the Qur'an, the veil and so on.
I can never forget that old gentleman, who had a bakery in Perugia, when I asked: But you believe in God?! And all this misery, all this poverty that exists on earth?!
I was 19, but I confess it was the first time I was offered such questions. From this date, I began to reread and rediscover Islam.
Ten years have passed and I am, once again, in Italy. This time to do my PhD in literature.
So I thought I could write some little thing that has to do with my faith, my identity and my field of work.
And so the idea of \u200b\u200bthis blog is born.
I hope the lucky or unlucky - depending - which will go from here, I leave a trace, a fix or at least a greeting.



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