Friday, February 26, 2010

Chap Stick Wedding Favors

Renata Polverini COMPANY IN HOSPITAL VISIT BATTLE S. Giovanni Addolorata

Questa mattina come già annunciato, Renata Polverini , The center-right candidate for President of the Lazio Regional Council, visited in my company, the Hospital S. Giovanni Addolorata . Accepted by the Director-General Luigi D'Elia and all vertices of the company, Renata Polverini visited the departments of Medicine, Desurgery, the Goddess, First Aid, so the room Foschi met with health workers of the company hospital. Before Polverini, took the floor to Prof. Renato Andrich and Prof. Claudio Allegra who recalled the history of the hospital and have pointed out aspects for the resumption of the Lazio Region Health System. I wanted to recall the commitments Renata Polverini took during visits to other hospitals. The St. John's hospital is a dear to the Romans, we must not forget, be defended his professionalism and skills of all operators . So Renata Polverini thanking the corporate ladder for the particular host riservatagli, pointed out, once again, the aspects that will be the victory of center-right-shoot the healthcare system.
" I-said-Polverini renegotiation on the table of government debt health, I take the responsibility to direct this Copernican revolution that the regional health service should be implemented: the defense of professionalism, defense capabilities, defense of those structures that are the pride of the regional health system, be they public or accredited, the defense of the operators, installation of temporary work, the role that the emergency field must be within a healthcare system Regional meeting the health needs of citizens . On this work, we will create a direct confrontation with the industry to be updated on everything that actually happens. At the end of the hall Foschi, Renata Polverini, has entertained the Goddess of the S. John together with the industry entertainment to anoint with the inmates to talk about the role which must have a doctor, nurse or other healthcare professional assistance. All patients have given the careful professional certification and skills of health workers of the company.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Wording Congratulations

consciously lies

For my part I know well the data in the Lazio Region for health, as well know the role played by the former deputy Battle in the Health of our Region. Councillor appointed by Marrazzo, the same Marrazzo was fired without anyone from his political party came down the field to defend. When Marrazzo has informed the Government of Lazio the dismissal of Battle da Assessore alla Sanità, c’è stato un unanime apprezzamento per ciò che aveva fatto il Presidente della Giunta; posso aggiungere a conclusione, e non intendo più polemizzare con Battaglia, che in tutto il Lazio fra gli operatori della sanità, i sindacati tutti e le associazioni rappresentative della Sanità convenzionata ed accreditata c’è stato in quell’occasione un grande sospiro di sollievo. Vediamo alla fine quanti voti di preferenza riuscirà a strappare l’ex Assessore alla Sanità.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Antifungal Kaufmann Diet


Dopo aver visitato alcuni reparti dell'Ospedale Sant'Eugenio di Roma , assieme al consigliere regionale Tommaso Luzzi , Still waiting by Prof. Elio Guzzanti, Special Commissioner ad acta government health expenditure in the Region, a response to open letter on the normalization of the two thousand health workers precarious the Regional Health Service. I hope that Professor Guzzanti, of which I appreciate the high competence on the National Health System, which includes the installation of the temporary work is a moral act due to the many operators who have been working for years in this condition, and remember that you will not be a cost to switch from fixed-term contracts to permanent contracts and resolve a shameful situation for the Regional Health Service. The Honourable Luzzi , consigliere regionale e componente della Commissione Sanità, ha dichiarato: “Mi auguro che prima delle elezioni la situazione del precariato sia normalizzata, altrimenti sono convinto che Renata Polverini quale Presidente della Regione Lazio, ad aprile affronterà il problema”.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Pediatrician In Markham, Ontario


Ho inviato una lettera aperta al Professor Elio Guzzanti , Commissario Straordinario ad acta del Governo per la spesa sanitaria nella Regione Lazio, nella quale richiamo all’attenzione del Professore sul problema della stabilizzazione dei duemila precari che operano nella sanità del Lazio, accordo già controfirmato tra la Regione Lazio ed i sindacati CGIL CISL UGL UIL e dei medici.
Ricordo che la regolamentazione del personale attualmente in servizio a tempo determinato o Co.Co.Co. garantirebbe il funzionamento delle strutture sanitarie , dal momento che questi lavoratori sono già inseriti nel Servizio Sanitario Regionale e quindi il loro passaggio e la loro stabilizzazione con contratti a tempo indeterminato non comporterebbe un ulteriore aggravio di spesa per la Regione Lazio.
Inoltre il superamento del precariato garantirebbe una tranquillità operativa all’interno delle strutture sanitarie in cui operano questi lavoratori.
E’ vero che il Lazio non ha attuato il piano di rientro concordato, ma ciò non deve creare ulteriore conflittualità all’interno del world of work and the health professions. We must have the courage of a more flexible interpretation of laws and regulations and all that will benefit the Regional Health System.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Best Multiple Route Planner


At the end of the meeting held with the presidential candidate of the Lazio Region of the PDL Renata Polverini all'Aiop of Lazio, I found that the managers have done well to raise awareness dell'Aiop Renata Polverini on the data the Public Health Agency under the management of General Manager Claudio Clini gave about cutting beds. On this I can say that we have objected to the Board of Directors data Clini that gave Alderman of Health and former President of the Regional Marrazzo. I can say also that the Asp finally back to being a reference to the technical, administrative and professional high level. That is the entire Board of Directors has endorsed the need to send home for good Claudio Clini and to appoint, as was done in the announcement Dr. Gabriella Guasticchi CEO. Dr. Guasticchi know the mechanisms of Public Health and the Agency is working with leaders in the industry to upgrade its function and to replace the absolutely no reliable data of conditions of health facilities accredited. Questodovremo also talk to Renata Polverini when will the President of Lazio Region.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Diabetic Cat With Cancer


This morning, along with Paul Palmieri, Giuseppe Latini Ulderico Fratarcangeli and responsible for the independent trade union of Sinappe Prison Police officers I met, in the District Prison Rebibbia , officers, NCOs Prison and police officers and I have visited some departments spend some time with heads of departments and staff members who make up the on-call of the Penitentiary Police the largest Italian prison .
E ' la prima volta che invece di venire a trovate cittadini detenuti, siamo venuti qui per incontrare coloro i quali vivono, anche loro, la detenzione, ma da agenti di custodia. Aver sentito dagli operatori della Polizia Penitenziaria di ogni livello le gravi difficoltà in cui operano ci impone, come Popolo della Libertà, ma anche come parlamentare eletto in questa regione, di interessarci in modo particolare alla grave situazione dell’organico della Polizia Penitenziaria. Dobbiamo agire affinché nella volontà e nella scelta del Governo di costruire nuove carceri ci sia la possibilità di bandire immediatamente dei concorsi per l’assunzione di agenti della Polizia Penitenziaria. I concorsi non si are far from 1998-99, and agents of the Penitentiary Police, unlike the other bodies of Police, are those with the highest quotient of age. So you need a concrete action, but also serves as part of the Ministry of Justice a greater interest in the role they play within Italian prisons.