Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Antifungal Kaufmann Diet


Dopo aver visitato alcuni reparti dell'Ospedale Sant'Eugenio di Roma , assieme al consigliere regionale Tommaso Luzzi , Still waiting by Prof. Elio Guzzanti, Special Commissioner ad acta government health expenditure in the Region, a response to open letter on the normalization of the two thousand health workers precarious the Regional Health Service. I hope that Professor Guzzanti, of which I appreciate the high competence on the National Health System, which includes the installation of the temporary work is a moral act due to the many operators who have been working for years in this condition, and remember that you will not be a cost to switch from fixed-term contracts to permanent contracts and resolve a shameful situation for the Regional Health Service. The Honourable Luzzi , consigliere regionale e componente della Commissione Sanità, ha dichiarato: “Mi auguro che prima delle elezioni la situazione del precariato sia normalizzata, altrimenti sono convinto che Renata Polverini quale Presidente della Regione Lazio, ad aprile affronterà il problema”.


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