Sunday, February 6, 2011

Exception C0000005 At Address

Let's have a Business Plan!

Ripensamento prima del balzo

"Before jumping ..."

Buona Domenica. How are you? Well, I've decided! Finally, I will sit at a table and I'll do this blessed business plan even if they are still "in business". Infuse, often, I take a pen and paper and I sign of things to do to improve my amateur creative activity of jewelry. It is now to give my thoughts on a more comprehensive and rational to make me work to targets, saving thus time and effort. It 's time to take stock the situation and give me some guidelines for the future. It takes a map, a road map that clearly indicates to me routes and destinations.

The year 2010 was used to something and I can do budgets. Surely you too have done, whether you are passionate about jewelry, whether it be sewing, or any other creative activity from which, perhaps, would get a minimum income, or at least return the costs incurred. You will have done the math. I agreed or not I agreed all this investment of time and money in my favorite hobby? Is it worth continuing? And, if continued, should take the direction that my efforts? I have to draw lessons from what I've done in the year just ended? What I really want to achieve?

Perhaps someone will attempt was made to stop or change hobby. It is not easy to create. It is not easy, either, managing to sell online, where competition is always strong. Similarly, disclosure is not to do with a blog, for example, that requires a lot of application or submit their creations to market ... truly a commitment endless! Someone else will be able to earn some pennies and feel rightly pleased, but need not to lose the route and give the specific objectives to continue good, even better than before. That's because it can be a very useful Action Plan written, that is, a business plan.

Artista con testa tra le nuvole "the head of creative .."

We start from a premise. We decided that, yes, we will continue with our hobbies and activities we would like to gain some small gain. A good question to ask is whether, in the year just past, we have made mistakes in our attempt personal statement. I know I can say yes! For instance, there was a time when I left a bit 'loose Etsy. I should stress, which, in fact, I intend to do during the current year. I lost some time behind the techniques that interest me little. I did little publicity to my readers ... Etc ... So, a bit of self-criticism (do not overdo it, though!) is a good starting point for not repeating the same mistakes.

What style do we have?? We have our own style? Take Etsy. At the exact moment in which I write, there are 1,870 well. 452 jewelry for sale. Only jewelry, eh. Without the material to the realization that, however, is sold in a separate section. What do you think? Just a tad bit of competition! Have their own style and helps a lot. I think making efforts in this direction, that is, try to reach a our style, we can get to emerge from the chaos of stiff competition. This is a good reflection for a business plan as it should.

Another thing to consider. I know I can improve, right? In fact, I have to improve and learn. The so-called "lifelong learning" is necessary if we want to stay afloat in our small, yes, amateur, yes, but important work! After defining our direction and our way we can determine how to get through such strategies. Maybe we can attend the courses (there were!), Or we may study on good manual. Even the video courses on Youtube are very useful. In short, strategies. Another element that should be part of our business plan.

venditore di maschere da sub "He had a good business plan ..."

on this interesting topic can be found hundreds of articles and many online forms pre-set to draft a business plan. I will point out to Etsy , Writing a Business Plan. From here you can download the a simple model created by Tricia MacKeller founder of the site Wonder Thinking .

Good creativity!



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