Monday, December 27, 2010
Do Ohio Licenses Have A Hologram
Friday, December 24, 2010
Black Gırl Vagına Vıdeo
Merry Christmas to all, friends who passed through here ! A strong hug and a sincere wish for peace .
Me and my sleepy assistant chair will send a lot of kisses :-))
Good creativity!!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Resume Skills For A Clothing Store
It is no coincidence that just at the threshold of Christmas public about this great post that touches on the deep sea and important social commitment. Increasingly, those who create handmade so does thinking about those who, in life, facing a struggle harder than others because they face plagued by illness and social disadvantage. Many creations are auctioned to help those who live a moment or a difficult situation. Furthermore, it is a duty for everyone to remember in thoughts and deeds that there are social causes important to us. Here, then, that Colors universal language of the people, provide a secure means to share and speak the same language to discuss all of the same problem and squeeze in an alliance that wants to become a real help to the next.
As we know each color corresponds to a specific cause, or the memory an important event for mankind. An agreement, which we can summarize briefly. Below you will list, not all but some of the most important matches between color and social battles. A list that will help us to create our personalized ribbon to be affixed to the blog, the creations, or simply on our chest.
Red Ribbon: AIDS, Blood Donor, Anti-Tobacco, Von Willebrand's disease, asthma, substance abuse, long QT syndrome, Wolff Parkinson White Syndrome, Tuberculosis, Marfam syndrome, supraventricular tachycardia, stroke, DUI (Driving Under the Influence)
Yellow Ribbon: Missing Children, Spina bifida, cancer, obesity, Kaposi
Orange Belt: World hunger, cultural diversity, racial tolerance, Lupus, Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy
Dark Blue Ribbon: Prevention of child abuse, cancer of the colon, the rights of victims of crimes, Tzunami Relief (charitable companies for reconstruction in Indonesia after the tsunami of 2004)
Blue Ribbon average : Diabetes, driving under the influence of alcohol, water quality, short bowel syndrome, rectal cancer, restless legs syndrome rest, Steven Johnson Syndrome, Cops fallen fulfilling his duty Syndrome da affaticamento cronico, Adolescenti contro il fumo, Fondazione Save the music, Incidenti acquatici
Nastro Azzurro : Cancro della prostata, Salute nell’uomo, Sindrome di Shprintzen, Linfedema, Sindrome velo-cardio facciale, Sclerodermia, Diritto alla scelta delle donne
Green Ribbon Health, Ecology and Environment, leukemia, organ donors, Safety, Spinal cord injury, primary sclerosing cholangitis, Mental Health, Stem Cell Research, Mental Illness, Kidney Disease, Safe Driving , ovarian cancer, the cause of Darfur, Von Hippel Lindau, donation of tissue, mitochondrial disease, stem cell donors
Purple Ribbon: Domestic Violence, Victims of ' September 11, Disabled children, animal rights, Lupus, ADD (attention deficit disorder ed iperattività), Mucopolisaccaridosi, Degenerazione maculare, Pancreatite cronica, Tumore del pancreas, Mucolipidosi, Tolleranza religiosa, Sindrome di Sjogren, Sarcoidosi
Nastro Rosa : Cancro al seno, Allattamento, Genitori naturali
Nastro Rosso Bianco e Rosso : Leucemia, Linfoma
Nastro Nero : Prevenzione del fenomeno delle gang, Ricerca sui tumori della pelle, Melanoma, Apnea notturna, Disturbi del sonno, Studenti a favore del controllo delle armi, Lutto
Nastro Bianco : Alzheimer, Diritto alla vita, Scoliosi, Vittime del terrorismo, Stalking, Retinoblastoma, Contro i predatori sessuali on-line, Depressione post-parto, Pace, Contro la guerra, Libertà di parola, Safe Motherhood, MHE, Vittime di molestie
Nastro Argento : Malattia di Parkinson, Schizofrenia, Dolore sciatico, Sindrome di Vater
Nastro Oro : Cancro infantile
Fonte Ring &Things.
A presto per gli auguri di Natale, anzi, direi, a prestissimo!
Buona creatività!
Antonietta .
Thursday, December 16, 2010
How To Wash Brazilian Weave
Come molti sapranno e come anticipato da alcuni dei migliori blogs creativi italiani, la caterinetta è una spoletta in legno, ma non necessariamente solo in questo materiale, con un foro centrale e, generalmente, 4 chiodi piantati su uno dei lati piatti in modo equidistante tra di loro, che serve a creare una maglia di tipo tubolare. The birth of the technique that allows the tool to accomplish with this particular decorative braid is probably related to the use of old wooden thread spools and yarn. Even today, if they are on the market and, if desired, can be derived from them this simple and ingenious tool that is Caterinetta and, in the Anglo-Saxon world, the Knitter spool, or, also, the knitting knobby . The reference to the Anglo-Saxon world is unavoidable because of the great success and spread the tool has always had with it. Even today it is used for various purposes, from furniture to fashion accessories. It gives handles for bags, aprons and bibs. "Snake" che vengono cuciti insieme in modo circolare per creare tappeti. Ma, anche, gioielli realizzati con i materiali più disparati, dal filo metallico alla lana, dalle strisce di plastica alla corda. Tra i vantaggi nell’uso della caterinetta, la velocità di esecuzione della maglia tubolare, la mancanza di cuciture, la possibilità di allungare la treccia aggiungendo altro filo e l’estrema versatilità della tecnica. Una cosa della quale bisogna, però, tenere conto è che la quantità di materiale necessario è notevole. Per creare il girocollo in filo d’argento che vedete infondo alla pagina ci sono voluti poco meno di 6 m di filo.
Una buona base per creare con la caterinetta è fornita dai tutorials on line. I recommend one in particular that I found on Youtube and that I find very well done. The author is the owner of the channel offthebeadedpath . The video is in English, but I think it is not difficult to follow even just studying the pictures. I show that this is the first part followed by a second and last.
addition to Caterinetta you need like a large needle or a crochet hook.
It 's very simple to build his own gear with a spool of wood and some metal staples. It 'also possible to recycle pieces of wood various sources such as legs of furniture and various scrap. The hole can be made in the size you prefer. I am in doubt, I made three of Caterinetta: hole 1 cm hole 1.5 cm and 2 cm hole.
And now I want to show you a brief overview of some of the most curious Caterinetta I've found on the web.
Caterinetta ZooLooNaturals of which is derived from Etsy. Fully carved in wood.
DIY Super Caterinetta more nails made from a tin can and coming dal blog Unplug your Kids . Fantastica!
proprietà UnPlug Your Kids
Caterinetta fai da te per chi non ha voglia di usare il trapano. Tratto dal sito Burda Style.
proprietà Burda Style
Infine, vi segnalo l’esistenza del gruppo Spool Knitter su Flickr . Date un’occhiata a quello che riescono a realizzare queste strepitose creative della Caterinetta. It is to be admired!
I have dedicated myself to a necklace in 925 sterling silver. First experiment ever. Actually, repeated twice as the normal silver wire 925 is not used very malleable in this way. You can not imagine what it took to undo 6 m of wire already twisted, trying to avoid, at the same time, to ruin him and tangled beyond repair. Eventually I recovered everything and I was able to create a jewelry essential way I like it. Sorry the picture quality, but at night is a mess photograph well ..
Next stop for me, try pairing with pearls, oppure con le pietre.. e, perché no, con le conchiglie! Beh, che dirvi? Se non..
Buona creatività a tutti!
Bahrain Sport Channel Frequency
Buon Giovedì. Mia raccolta di preferiti tratta da Etsy . Questa volta ho voluto scoprire le rose d’Inverno… Spero vi piaccia!!
In ordine da sinistra a destra e dall’alto al basso: Donnaraita , Passion Studio PH, Eleonora Esposito , La Bottega di Medusa .
Monday, December 13, 2010
Funny 35th Birthday Invitation
Omg! Americans would say. What amount of information, many tutorials, how many diverse and interesting topics. Of course, all related to the world of DIY in female version. Abigail knows no bounds and offers a very generous amount of tutorials truly remarkable and varied.
From the little bag felted wool (with all the steps to achieve well-explained step by step) al pacchetto decorato con la tecnica Furoshiki, l’arte giapponese di impacchettare, appunto, i regali con la stoffa.
Abigail ricava bottoni dalla plastica riciclata, realizza telai in cartone per tessere con le perline, lavora il cuoio, conosce molte tecniche giapponesi di decorazione, sa cucire reggiseni… e tanto altro ancora! E, come se non bastasse, tutto questo sapere viene spiegato in tutorials. Non mi capita spesso di imbattermi in siti così ricchi di spunti omogenei e così generosi.
Ecco un amigurumi di Abigail.
Ed un fiore in pelle.
There are also handmade jewelry and original a few suggestions to make hair accessories like what you see in the picture below. These are two combs held together by strings of beads. Easy and brilliant idea!
Among the many ideas, I found this particularly interesting to create a stencil on fabric rather complex. The technique is the Japanese Yuzen , born to paint the paper for origami, but mainly used to stain permanently silk and other fabrics and includes the use of rice paste.
The paste Rice is used to separate the colors together to create various colored fields more and better designed.
I mean, I do not know what to ask Abigail! Perhaps, it is highly accurate in making the photographs are not exceptional as his ideas. I guess that Abigail did not have, nor the time, given the many creative activities in which they struggle! It would, however, the only "defect" that I can rediscover this beautiful site. So if you have curiosity, I just have to invite you to take a look at the fantastic blog:
Good day to you all and good creativity!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Kates Playground 2006
Hello. Roundup of my favorites from ' Etsy Team Italy.
In order from top to bottom and from left to right: Fenix \u200b\u200bRed Jewels , Laperla , Nano Factory, PassionArte,
nice day.
Clothes Color For Brown Skin
Happy Thursday to all. I took two, tre giorni di tempo per finire qualche lavoretto e realizzare un progetto, piccolo, ma significativo per me, che vi mostrerò tra qualche giorno. Intanto, oggi c’è il sole dalle mie parti, ergo, finalmente si possono fare foto decenti!! Il punto è sempre quello, fare foto decenti! Oh!! Oggi, felicità assoluta per esserci riuscita. Si poteva fare meglio? Sicuramente. Ma dopo oltre 100 fotografie, anche la volontà di riprovare vacilla. In particolare, facevo fatica a fotografare le chips di quarzo di questi orecchini. Forse, perché trasparenti e, quindi, è un po’ come fotografare il vetro, avete presente? Comunque sia, eccoli qui i miei orecchini festaioli .
ultra-feminine and a bit 'by chanteuse, but every now and then is allowed to be so and, indeed, in these days of celebration, even more.
Entirely handmade except for the stretch of chain. And, of course, silver 925. Speaking of silver, the Craft Fair of Milan, I could buy it at the Indian stand. At 0.30 cents a gram! Fantastic! Only "defect" of the situation is fortunate that when I'm still reviewing for purchase, the sales person had pushed the price to € 1.00 .... Eh, well, let's say I caught the fleeting moment .. and then it's okay.
All the tone clear and transparent. The quartz chips and cream-colored beads are Swarovski crystals.
An intruder. A pink crystal between the chips to act as a focal point.
And now, friends, I want to thank the nice people who send me virtual prizes. I sincerely thank Assisbijoux Moon and Silver Lulu for assigning me the thought of me Selo Prize Sunshine Award.
Il premio va a tutte le persone che passeranno di qui e che vorranno appropriarsene. Il premio è anche vostro.
Buona creatività a tutti!
Sunday, December 5, 2010
How To Register A Homemade Trailer In Michigan
In cerca di idee per i regali ? Dalle treasuries di Etsy è possibile tranne molte ispirazioni. Qui di seguito alcune raccolte a soggetto in cui troverete anche mie creazioni. Cliccando sulle fotografie e sopra i links accederete alle pagine di Etsy .
E’ tempo di regali ! collection of articles created by nonofactory .
A collection of fancy stuff, beautiful and cheerful . A collection made by MissJustinesCandles.
Bordeaux with a touch of ... Collection created by Laperla.
We are golden! Collection created by madamaRobe
Good Sunday to all.