Omg! Americans would say. What amount of information, many tutorials, how many diverse and interesting topics. Of course, all related to the world of DIY in female version. Abigail knows no bounds and offers a very generous amount of tutorials truly remarkable and varied.
From the little bag felted wool (with all the steps to achieve well-explained step by step) al pacchetto decorato con la tecnica Furoshiki, l’arte giapponese di impacchettare, appunto, i regali con la stoffa.
Abigail ricava bottoni dalla plastica riciclata, realizza telai in cartone per tessere con le perline, lavora il cuoio, conosce molte tecniche giapponesi di decorazione, sa cucire reggiseni… e tanto altro ancora! E, come se non bastasse, tutto questo sapere viene spiegato in tutorials. Non mi capita spesso di imbattermi in siti così ricchi di spunti omogenei e così generosi.
Ecco un amigurumi di Abigail.
Ed un fiore in pelle.
There are also handmade jewelry and original a few suggestions to make hair accessories like what you see in the picture below. These are two combs held together by strings of beads. Easy and brilliant idea!
Among the many ideas, I found this particularly interesting to create a stencil on fabric rather complex. The technique is the Japanese Yuzen , born to paint the paper for origami, but mainly used to stain permanently silk and other fabrics and includes the use of rice paste.
The paste Rice is used to separate the colors together to create various colored fields more and better designed.
I mean, I do not know what to ask Abigail! Perhaps, it is highly accurate in making the photographs are not exceptional as his ideas. I guess that Abigail did not have, nor the time, given the many creative activities in which they struggle! It would, however, the only "defect" that I can rediscover this beautiful site. So if you have curiosity, I just have to invite you to take a look at the fantastic blog:
Good day to you all and good creativity!
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