It is no coincidence that just at the threshold of Christmas public about this great post that touches on the deep sea and important social commitment. Increasingly, those who create handmade so does thinking about those who, in life, facing a struggle harder than others because they face plagued by illness and social disadvantage. Many creations are auctioned to help those who live a moment or a difficult situation. Furthermore, it is a duty for everyone to remember in thoughts and deeds that there are social causes important to us. Here, then, that Colors universal language of the people, provide a secure means to share and speak the same language to discuss all of the same problem and squeeze in an alliance that wants to become a real help to the next.
As we know each color corresponds to a specific cause, or the memory an important event for mankind. An agreement, which we can summarize briefly. Below you will list, not all but some of the most important matches between color and social battles. A list that will help us to create our personalized ribbon to be affixed to the blog, the creations, or simply on our chest.
Red Ribbon: AIDS, Blood Donor, Anti-Tobacco, Von Willebrand's disease, asthma, substance abuse, long QT syndrome, Wolff Parkinson White Syndrome, Tuberculosis, Marfam syndrome, supraventricular tachycardia, stroke, DUI (Driving Under the Influence)
Yellow Ribbon: Missing Children, Spina bifida, cancer, obesity, Kaposi
Orange Belt: World hunger, cultural diversity, racial tolerance, Lupus, Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy
Dark Blue Ribbon: Prevention of child abuse, cancer of the colon, the rights of victims of crimes, Tzunami Relief (charitable companies for reconstruction in Indonesia after the tsunami of 2004)
Blue Ribbon average : Diabetes, driving under the influence of alcohol, water quality, short bowel syndrome, rectal cancer, restless legs syndrome rest, Steven Johnson Syndrome, Cops fallen fulfilling his duty Syndrome da affaticamento cronico, Adolescenti contro il fumo, Fondazione Save the music, Incidenti acquatici
Nastro Azzurro : Cancro della prostata, Salute nell’uomo, Sindrome di Shprintzen, Linfedema, Sindrome velo-cardio facciale, Sclerodermia, Diritto alla scelta delle donne
Green Ribbon Health, Ecology and Environment, leukemia, organ donors, Safety, Spinal cord injury, primary sclerosing cholangitis, Mental Health, Stem Cell Research, Mental Illness, Kidney Disease, Safe Driving , ovarian cancer, the cause of Darfur, Von Hippel Lindau, donation of tissue, mitochondrial disease, stem cell donors
Purple Ribbon: Domestic Violence, Victims of ' September 11, Disabled children, animal rights, Lupus, ADD (attention deficit disorder ed iperattività), Mucopolisaccaridosi, Degenerazione maculare, Pancreatite cronica, Tumore del pancreas, Mucolipidosi, Tolleranza religiosa, Sindrome di Sjogren, Sarcoidosi
Nastro Rosa : Cancro al seno, Allattamento, Genitori naturali
Nastro Rosso Bianco e Rosso : Leucemia, Linfoma
Nastro Nero : Prevenzione del fenomeno delle gang, Ricerca sui tumori della pelle, Melanoma, Apnea notturna, Disturbi del sonno, Studenti a favore del controllo delle armi, Lutto
Nastro Bianco : Alzheimer, Diritto alla vita, Scoliosi, Vittime del terrorismo, Stalking, Retinoblastoma, Contro i predatori sessuali on-line, Depressione post-parto, Pace, Contro la guerra, Libertà di parola, Safe Motherhood, MHE, Vittime di molestie
Nastro Argento : Malattia di Parkinson, Schizofrenia, Dolore sciatico, Sindrome di Vater
Nastro Oro : Cancro infantile
Fonte Ring &Things.
A presto per gli auguri di Natale, anzi, direi, a prestissimo!
Buona creatività!
Antonietta .
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