The bombing of Alexandria in Egypt and the Italian press Egyptian and a Muslim, my duty to express my firm rejection of this cowardly attack. Even so, I personally have spent four years old, beautiful, the my life in a town in southern Egypt, with a Christian majority. It's called Al Minia, the Bride of Sa'eed, namely the south of Egypt.
I talked with some Christian friends in Egypt and I can fully understand their anger and their need for time to pass a story like that.
But what I also say this is the peaceful coexistence of Muslims and Christians in Egypt.
And this does not mean that everything goes smoothly, that's all right. Certainly not.
But the problem is not just for Christians in Egypt. The entire population is going through a historic moment, dare I say bad.
Il regime egiziano ha commesso troppi errori nei confronti di tutti gli egiziani. E continuerà a farlo, a meno che gli egiziani dicano No. Non si può più.
Il ministro degli esteri Frattini, ha detto ieri che ammira molto la solidarietà dei musulmani d’Egitto, ai loro concittadini cristiani durante le feste della notte di 6 gennaio.
Infatti, si tratta qui di iniziative popolari.
Quello che mi preoccupa molto è la reazione esagerata del monsignor Barnaba El Suriany vescovo per Roma e Torino, che ha invitato ad
“ una manifestazione pubblica in Republic Square in Rome in memory of the victims whose lives have been shattered nell'ignobile terrorist attack in Alexandria, Egypt, and against the slaughter of Christians in Egypt "
And he objected to the participation of Egyptian citizens, or of other nationalities of the Islamic faith in this event.
"Our community in this want to live alone when his pain and does not want members of other religions, nor Muslims nor Jews nor Catholics. If, in the coming days, other faith communities will organize demonstrations of solidarity, we are happy to participate. "
The Archbishop with such statements, let us understand that the answer is" live alone " !
as you can. In a big city like Cairo, Alexandria and everything is mixed and all are in the same crowded bus, or in the same row in front of a bakery in any medium or poor neighborhood.
Certainly, Christians suffer injustice. But it is partial, speaking of the sufferings of Christians and forget the suffering of the other categories of the Egyptian people.
course must present their condolences to the Christian families of the victims of this horrible attack. But it is also only right to mention the deaths of Muslims in the same.
It should condemn the brutality of Egyptian police in the investigation that followed the accident that caused the death of a young Muslim man of thirty, Sayed Bilal . To whom and her child, now an orphan I have dedicated the photo of this post. ***
Saturday, Corriere della Sera, a reader, Fabio Todini, send a message to Sergio Romano in which he asks the reason for these repeated attacks targeted at Christians in the East. He wonders if they are: " the answer to the last decade of western interventionist policies in the Middle East? "
I think this time the link is not there, or at least not in the direct sense. The story started when, in recent years the phenomenon of Christians who convert to Islam has increased in Egypt. And especially when two ladies, wives of Coptic priests, and allow le loro case, si diffonde la voce che sarebbero convertite all’Islàm. Una signora, Wafaà Costantine, è scomparsa da più di 6 anni!! E la seconda è Camilia Shehata, scomparsa recentemente e poi apparsa in un video diffuso dalla stessa chiesa egiziana per rispondere alle bugie su di lei. I giovani musulmani, sia della Fratellanza musulmana sia di altri movimenti islamici hanno avviato delle manifestazioni, chiedendo che la signora vada alla televisione ufficiale per dare la sua testimonianza e per chiudere definitivamente questo dossier. Il governo non ha voluto fare niente. Ha lasciato che i giovani musulmani e cristiani si scontrano in manifestazioni reciproche e che diventano preda di estreme posizioni e dichiarazioni da alcuni predicatori d’odio sia da una parte sia dall’altra.
E qui entra in gioco, secondo una delle mille interpretazioni, l’ultimatum del movimento dello “Stato Islamico dell’Iraq” che nella sua rivendicazione dell’attacco ad una chiesa cattolica a Bagdad alla fine dello scorso ottobre, e che ha causato la morte di una quarantina di iracheni, dichiara che il motivo di tale attacco non è che “per aiutare le nostre povere sorelle musulmane prigioniere ( nelle chiese ) nel paese musulmano dell'Egitto”.
È la colpa del regime, sottovalutare scalation of a kind. But we already know all the Mubarak regime has other priorities. Has neither the time nor the desire to change the plight of the Egyptian people, both Muslims and Christians, of course.
Back to the reply by Sergio Romano. According to him:
"Nothing, in view of Al Qaeda, may contribute to the discredit of the international regime of Mubarak as its apparent inability to protect 10% of its population."
The stigma international regime of Mubarak. But of course, and so we must not fall into the trap. We must be with the dictator Mubarak. Just because the alternative is Islamic fanaticism!
And here we arrive at the Western interventionist policy in the Middle East. Both political leaders, is largely Western cultural elite prefer a totalitarian regime to a truly democratic and elected by the people. Because the priority here, though we know this already, is the economic, oil, dirt money.
I wrote a lot, maybe too much. But before leaving Sergio Romano's response to this letter, I want to focus first on the title of this letter:
"Christians in Islam. What's behind the hatred. "
A title of a colossal superficiality, so simple and so general, that passes, and weld in the collective imagination of the reader, the average Italian connotation between Islam and Hate . Between Violence and the entire world community of Muslims, a billion and beyond!
and conclusions:
"One thing, however, I am sure. Win in the end, those who do not leave misled by emotional and hasty conclusions. "
Then the great journalist says that at first did not believe in the 'clash of civilizations', ends with talk of victory and defeat! But I was more interested in his mention of the emotional and hasty conclusions . Because I think this phrase sums up the way many have dealt with - deal with it and will retain, of course - the argument and similar arguments in the Italian press.
the same day, and on more than one newspaper is talking about "In Rega. A journalist who wrote a book on Islam, published a year ago. And he accuses Islamists "disturbed from his book" want to kill him. As a result of a gunshot to his car the night of January 7. The journalist said that it is not the first time, to have suffered threats, I have received envelopes with bullets and even a severed head of a lamb in the same car.
It has no doubt
"I am all of them by Hezbollah. They swear to me that what I wrote and support in my book.
But what journalist wrote this? Si pensa subito a delle scoperte inedite su Hezbollah, o informazioni top secret e cose simili.
Ma lo stesso dice che nel libro non ci sono che “cose elementari e di buon senso” , come la lotta contro l’infibulazione e contro la poligamia, la diffusione della cultura dei diritti umani:
"...Ma è noto che i paesi islamici della dichiarazione dei diritti dell'uomo non ne vogliono sentire parlare."
La stessa solita storia, le stesse parole ripetute e ripetute. Il che non può giustificare questa presa di mira. Almeno, per me. Posso capire che un giornalista o uno scrittore viene perseguitato dai fondamentalisti Muslims, when it comes to an "insult" to the divine figure, or that of the Prophet. Not for any text on Islam.
Certainly it is my duty to express my solidarity with all victims of intimidation and violence. But in this case, there is something wrong, always in my humble opinion.
How come all these various forms of threats to Mr. Rega captain, when he is alone in his car?
And the most important question, a gesture as strong as ever, more than a year after the publication of the book?
, and to a hypothesis that would something now, how come he hastens to say that work is not of any of its enemy, but Islamic fundamentalists, namely, those of Hezollah!
What is the truth? I do not know. But I hope to be clarified soon.
However, some damage has already happened, and I mean the damage to Islam as a religion and as a community. The titles of services dedicated to the story are
"Shots fired auto journalist Rai wrote book on Islam, given the spare In Rega,
And now, Facebook groups and letters not only of solidarity. I have nothing against him. It is free to say his, but you can not just accept these conclusions so emotional and so hasty .
In two days, Mr. Rega has become the symbol of free thought, the challenge to Islamic violence and intolerance!
In two days, just as the film's box office last Zalone , What a beautiful giornata , un film che ha a che fare anche con il terrorismo arabo-islamico.
Mah! Che bella coincidenza! muhammad