Monday, January 31, 2011

Poptropica Ultimate Hacks

Latest pharaohs

Intervento su Repubblica TV

La rivolta in Egitto: cosa succederà dopo Mubarak? Con il vicepresidente del Senato Emma Bonino. E con l'analisi di Bernardo Valli, Karim Mezran (direttore Centro Studi Americano), Muhammad Abdel Kader (blogger e ricercatore egiziano). Conduce Massimo Giannini.
Link video:

Friday, January 28, 2011

Streamin South Park English

About what happens in Egypt

write on the morning of Friday, January 28, 2011. Today is a good day for me and for all Egyptians. After Friday prayers, there will be demonstrations in every city in ancient Egypt and the head of the Cairo, Alexandria, Suez and other hot spots.
It all started on the internet. After several failed attempts to bring together young people and carry them from the virtual world of social networking to the real world. The young Egyptians certainly encouraged by the experience of Tunisia, have made it!
Yesterday young activists have posted on various sites, despite the slowness of the network and also temporarily blocked, and sometimes for long hours, facebook and twitter, a document explaining the reasons behind this movement that is above all opposition parties and small parties in Egypt.
The document is entitled: Everything you want to know on Friday January 28 of Anger.
Young people define it as:
"Who we are: we are young Egyptians on the network. Young people from facebook, Twitter and YouTube. We decided 20 days ago, to organize a demonstration on 25 January, they should start a series of modifications and changes throughout Egypt, rejecting all that has happened in the recent period. The government refused to listen to our protests. Therefore, we decided to go down the road, forcing managers to make our voices heard. And so we went down last Tuesday. There were tens of thousands of Egyptians without distinction. Since that time and events are not interrupted and will continue. The situation in Egypt has become so difficult. The people are very stove and asks for a real change and is trying to have his rights. The demonstrations were peaceful and civilized, but the brutal police intervention has caused the deaths of seven people in the city of Suez. Many were injured, and many are are arrested. The situation has become more complicated and everything will go down today to cry out loudly demanding our rights and do not return to our homes unless these rights are recognized and implemented. "
And the main reasons behind this great sense of anger, widespread among the majority of young Egyptians, young people continue in their paper:
"because it manifests? Egypt is going through one of the worst moments in all its ancient history. Despite reports that the Egyptian government used to give a false image of Egypt under his regime, it is clear that the reality of Egypt is well different. We took to the streets of Egypt is the sign of the end of this regime. The end of a long era of silence and submission. It is the beginning of a new page in the history of Egypt. January 25 was not a coup but a revolt against the government and against the regime. There are more than 30 million Egyptians who suffer from melancholy. There are more than 100 000 attempts suicide only in 2009 that caused the death of 5000. In Egypt there are 48 million poor people, including 2 million and a half living in extreme poverty. 12 million homeless, of which half a million and half living in the tombs of the cemetery. Egypt is in a state of systematic corruption, and there are many causes nei tribunali che parlano di grandi somme, più di 39 miliardi di lire egiziane, frutto di corruzione, solamente in un anno. I giovani disoccupati in Egitto superano i 3 milioni. La percentuale della disoccupazione, tra i giovani in Egitto, arriva al 30%. Abbiamo il tasso più alto per la morte dei bambini, 50 bambini per ogni mille operazioni di parto. Quasi la metà dei bambini egiziani subiscono l’anemia, 8 milioni dei cittadini egiziani hanno virus c. Abbiamo più di 100 mila malati di cancro registrati in un solo anno, per l’inquinamento dell’acqua e non abbiamo che un’ambulanza per 35 mila di cittadini. E abbiamo anche le leggi dell’emergenza che dominano l’Egitto da lunghi anni e che hanno causato la morte of dozens of innocent citizens, and the arrest of thousands and thousands without any legal grounds. And lately we have followed the false parliamentary elections, which gave the party of the Rais, the National Democratic Party, the majority with more than 90% of seats in parliament. "
The demands of the young activists are clear:
" 1. Take action to eliminate the problem of poverty from Egypt, while respecting the legal ruling has set a minimum wage and increase public support in the areas of public health, education and helping young unemployed with unemployment benefits.
2. Cancel the emergency law and extend the authority of state attorneys general on the police headquarters to stop the abuse and torture against opposition and the public.
3. The resignation of Interior Minister, for the widespread lack of security in Egypt, witnessed several incidents of terrorist incidents, the spread of crime throughout the Egyptian territory, sometimes at the hands of officers or elements linked to the Ministry of Interior .
4. Changing the constitution to not allow the president to govern more than two terms. the dissolution of parliament and the use of new elections to allow Egyptians to choose their deputies. "
These are the issues listed, as required by dei giovani attivisti egiziani. E poi ci sono elenchi con i punti di raggruppamento dopo la preghiera del venerdì. Nell’elenco non ci sono solamente moschee, ma anche chiese. Un’ennesima prova sul fatto che musulmani e cristiani fanno parte del medesimo tessuto sociale in Egitto. Tutti i giovani egiziani vogliono cominciare una nuova pagina. E tutti sperano che il prezzo di questa decisione popolare non sia la sangue di nuovi martiri sia nelle fila dei manifestanti, sia in quelle della polizia.
pubblicato su Amisnet:
e Minareti

Monday, January 24, 2011

Cover Letters For Clothing Stores

لماذا ستفشل مظاهرات 25 يناير 2011?

like to emphasize at the outset that I am I to disappoint my doubts but I think unfortunately that the result is now governed. Unprecedentedly million are not consistent opposition forces Egyptian and it seems they will never agree. For the millionth time and some forces are trying to mobilize young people to move the masses virtual weight in the street and fail. As a result, more frustrations And more disappointment for many young people reach their often desperate.
As for why, maybe the question was not even worth the trouble to answer, but I think it should be تجاوز الأسباب المباشرة للبحث في جذور المسألة المصرية.
منذ سنتين قُدر لي حضور حفل توقيع ترجمة رواية الأديب و الكاتب الصحفي علاء الأسواني , عمارة يعقوبيان, Italian language in Rome. During the ceremony there was a question of freedom of thought and the press in Egypt. Aswani replied that there is freedom of speech "negative".
in the sense that you are free to write whatever You want, as long as the word is your destination.
I think that this is the portal to know the real description of the failure of previous attempts and this time try to mobilize the masses.
system Egyptian knows very well that the people passing moments where patience is almost a distant dream and therefore offers the Egyptians and meals of negative freedom, which acts as a drug starting with the Egyptian tingling في أطرافه و بالتالي لا يكون في مقدوره المشاركة الفعلية في أي مظاهرات حاشدة.
المأساة أن الشعب و خاصة طبقاته المثقفة يستمر في تناول هذه الوجبات المسمومة و لا ينتبه أن بها سماً قاتلاً و لو صاحت كل مكبرات الصوت بشوارعنا الحبيبة. 
فبعد فترة من قراءة المقالات المعارضة للحكومة و للنظام بشكل عام, و بعد فترة من Listen to the harmony and musical links between the poems and songs and messages, they feel a lot of us as we say colloquially, "Vcoa Glhm" FSH and hatred you feel that you are the best, and is feeling cheated.
فمازلت كل المشاكل كما هيّ, لم يتغير أي شيء و لكنك فرّغت كل هذه الشحنة السلبية.
الموضوع أقرب لدمية إسفنجية يضع كل منا عليها كل يوم صورة رمز من رموز نظامنا الحاكم , و يظل لساعة أو ساعتين يلكم هذه الدمية و ربما يندمج أكثر فيهيل عليها السباب . و بعد هذه العلقة الوهمية, يأوي صاحبنا إلى فراشه و اليقظة تتداخل مع الأحلام فلا Who knows. Is avenged doll or of the true character. Go to sleep and it feels Balinchae
Do you stand at this point?
unfortunately not. After a period of not longer allow this health Citizen seducer that any hits to the doll, he was content with throwing insults.
soon after and his throat had dried Vgarith or small city is not up to drinking water, only a glance Reproach or Mssamsp lips.
and confirm to himself and is between life and death that this change is the most vulnerable.
of course this is not the only scenario.
What if the citizen wanted this Actually change and was aware from the outset that his goal is to reach a radical and not resolve Altsber palliatives?
What if I wanted the youth of this country really change and realized that a private In a country like Egypt can not happen overnight? If only because it is the laws of God in the universe. And what happened in Tunisia can not in any way be judged at present and predict its future .
أعتقد و قد أكون مخطئاً أن بلادنا الحبيبة في أمس الحاجة لكيانات و تنظيمات جديدة تعتمد على الشباب في المقام الأول دون أن تغفل دور الحكماء و الشرفاء من هذا The country and they are many.
entities know that the road is long without thinking, and if you think that it has no end. By a long length of this country and display. Change must reach his convictions to all villages and Njuaha. Change based on the work and to engage the real and direct with people.
of course all the headnotes and God
after this link shows the form of Elvis Bokkkawi Aturkm with Verse:
Guevara Online
exhibitions Elvis Bokkkawi
to sit at a keyboard
Bictb Balawi
insult in De
and insults in de
betray in de
and cursing de
and subconscious is lost between the old tales
exhibitions Elvis Bokkkawi
>>>> ;>>
p Facebook
sir it
p Facebook
our friend
Morning and night you sell
ditha eh?
Hey I do not click!
origin of his evil,
and our friend Ghawi
uh Exhibitions Elvis Bokkkawi
Workers Age Unknown change
Btjib dreams and dreams
ratified the same, two days after
It is a national activist Hammam
image is 12 times in one hour and the text of
Schaaf video and street youths Tunisia cash
said: "Rjaaaaaaaalh" and
... ..

Sunday, January 23, 2011

What Type Of Hair Does La La Have

Vinegar, Mon Amour .. Tests

Holy vinegar! That vinegar, which is essential in the kitchen, also lends itself to a number of the most diverse uses is well known. It 's a great natural detergent and disinfectant, an anti-limestone and a softener. Some say remove the fever and who used it long ago to revive the man falls into a swoon. Believe it! With those corsets breath you take out-put, could, never have a normal ventilation? You know, I have seen some live these corsets. I would not enter even after a session of drying ... type sausage. But I'm departs from .. So. Vinegar, as you know, takes away the signs of oxidation from metals. I remember an elderly lady with vinegar and cornstarch, which acted as an abrasive, it created a kind of pap with which he was to return the shiny copper pots. Even the shiny silver back if left in a bath of vinegar and salt, maybe lukewarm.

Today, I would give a small suggestion, the result, of course, the usual findings of hot water, or, even, warm vinegar .. If silver is "abandoned", so to speak, vinegar takes a whitish color very interesting. With a Bathroom extended by 24 hours or even more, you get, roughly, that effect. Just try it. Of course, objects do not try too important, perhaps, with pieces of scrap, so you're sure to get it right. However, if the effect you like, it will be fun to discover the result. Of course, I do not recommend diving in vinegar pearls, beads and stones ... it's just silver.

Now, I show you some pictures hope you can appreciate the effect (I am not sure that the photos make it).

anello argento chanky con tre palline

The bath lasted long, about 24 hours.

anello argento chanky con tre palline

Above the ring is still wet. The three perlozze change color to white. Let's see if I can show it with other images.

anello argento chanky con tre palline

do not know if and how this can last very good tone, but, anyway, it would be difficult to repeat!

anello argento chanky con tre palline

Ps Today condirò salad (with vinegar). Is not that wonderful? : D

Good Sunday to all and good creativity!


Saturday, January 22, 2011

Mcdonalds Candied Walnuts

yet another case of Islamophobia food and seek fame in Italy

Mi rivolgo alla mia grande famiglia, alla comunità dei musulmani d'Italia per denunciare un ennesimo caso di alimentare l'Islamofobia, di consolidare i pregiudizi e gli stereotipi legati all'immagine dell'Islam e dei musulmani. Mi riferisco al caso del signor Nello Rega, giornalista televideo Rai, che da qualche settimana ha accusato "gli integralisti islamici" di voler ucciderlo, per un suo libro di critica all'Islam. Il signor giornalista ha avuto delle interviste su varie testate come il corriere della sera e la stampa. E si è concluso, appena ora, il suo intervento alla rubrica Storie del TG Rai 2. In questo suo ultimo intervento ha affermato che questo sarà il destino di tutti quelli che continueranno a fanno criticizing Islam.
reading the series of threats that the gentleman received, you know that something is wrong. No one else can be said and in most cases the threats such as "head of sheep slaughtered" and letters with bullets. A very original way and not at all in accordance with the ways of "Islamic fundamentalists".
In my humble opinion, and I accept full responsibility for what I say, we are faced with a business, marketing in the name of Islam.
And my question is this: Where are we? It is possible that the
UCOI or other Islamic associations in Italy they say, is time, NO.
ask to have the right to have our say, to have a confrontation with the ideas of Mr. Rega. He had all this space in the newspapers and the media, because we can not take this opportunity to increase this feeling of hatred and Islamophobia against us in the Italian collective.
Believe me, you will not be the last case, unless it is our reaction to it.
May Allah give us the Hikma, Assalamu alaykum wa wisdom
rahmatu Allah wa Muhammad barakatuh

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Free Long Travel Sand Car Plans

welding techniques.

Just a few photos and some impressions sui miei primi lavori con questa tecnica. Diciamo che pensavo che avrei sprecato meno filo così, ma, non è, affatto, vero. Alcuni dei lavori che vedrete nelle prossime fotografie, sono finiti nel sacchetto degli “shots”, degli avanzi. E, poi, questa mia eterna illusione di non sprecare argento bisogna, proprio, che me la scordi una volta per tutte perché non è, semplicemente, possibile!

Qui, ho sperimentato qualche forma, tanto per vedere quale potesse riuscire meglio ed essere più gestibile con il mio armamentario basic.

prove di saldatura 002

prove di saldatura 012

La forma a fiore mi ha fatto un po’ penare, but is likely to help. Trial and error, trial and error. Just like in life :-)

However, the half-moon I'm not complaining. I liked it, bones, and repeat :-)

prove di saldatura 021

In the photo above you can see it in second phase of cleaning with sandpaper. Cleaning boring, but necessary. I started with a 400 grit and I finished with 2000 grit.

Here they are mounted on simple nuns, also handmade.

Orecchini mezza luna 008

Orecchini mezza luna 013

Orecchini mezza luna 005

Mi scuso per la mia scarsa presenza, nei giorni passati, nei commenti ai blogs dei miei amici creativi. Qualche vicenda familiare ha richiesto la mia presenza e, di conseguenza, mi ha costretto a stare poco nell’adorato mondo dei bloggers. Rieccomi! :-)

Un abbraccio amiche ed amici.


Sunday, January 16, 2011

Quotes Or Slogans About Tanning

styles and fashions in Jewelry: Steampunk Jewelry.



il_570xN_191436354 Bracciale Steampunk di edmdesigns  

Buona Domenica a tutti. Mi rendo conto di avere fatto passare, addirittura, una settimana dall’ultimo post del mio blog, ma, in questi giorni sono capitate tante important things that I have stolen to the end of the time available. Indeed, one thing I could do in my bed at night, thinking about how to buy time from my days! I think this topic (of wide interest, right?) May also become subject to a post.

I, again, taking the reins of Etsy these days looking, as usual, to grasp the trends and fashions. Since I joined the mega sales platform to date, I could detect some major "strands" in the category of handmade jewelry. Trends, in fact, that characterize most of all, the modern American taste, but it is not difficult to trace even in works of Italian artists. Among these styles, today, I would like to talk about Steampunk Jewelry.

Steampunk derives its name from a play on words: steam, "steam" and "punk", in fact, recall that deliberately and in a playful name of the cultural movement cyberpunk in vogue since the mid- 80s of the twentieth century. The cyberpunk is a current member of the wider literary genre fiction . Even Steampunk is proposed at the beginning, as the trend of fantastic fiction, science fiction, expanding, then, to other aspects of cultural and artistic fino a diventare, oggi, una sottocultura dell’ambiente metropolitano che, pur non presentando linee guida precise, pervade anche la moda, l’arte, l’architettura, l’home decor, i films ed altri aspetti della vita quotidiana.

il_570xN_199203928 Sacchetto per la lavanda in stile Steampunk di wickedpixy  

il_570xN_208031100 Corsetto in stile Steampunk di damselinthisdress

Steam è un termine che significa “vapore” e fa riferimento ad un’epoca storica e ad un mondo basato sul potere del motore a vapore , il 19° sec. e, soprattutto, all’ epoca Victorian . Steampunk art products are characterized by the presence of fantastic elements and fantasy. From an outdated technology and future innovations may have been imagined as a Victorian perspective. The technology can include imaginary machines such as those found in literary works of HG Wells and Jules Verne, but also computers, fruits, however, of a world of technology and an alternative to our history.

il_570xN_199680075 Brilliant computer (funzionante!) built with an old typewriter keyboard, the work of woodgay32

In recent years, the Steampunk style has also permeated the field of handmade jewelry a great success.

il_570xN_207674002 Steampunk Ring of LondonParticulars

The jewelry Steampunk . Steampunk as a subculture that is based Punk DIY ethics, or, on the Do it yourself, do it yourself. The most beautiful jewels are made by hand and using original parts. Not surprisingly, the price is often quite high. The main reason the applicant is that of ' gear in sight. The same as wristwatches and pocket. Even the dials and clocks are re-used to make art objects. Steampunk seems to have almost an obsession for the time and what it represents most of the mechanism.

il_570xN_208284965 necklace pendant nouveaumotley

Today, the gear is a stereotypical pattern, so as to have made up their noses at most sincere supporters of the Steampunk genre. It is noted, in fact, in many quarters, as the gear, to have a genuine meaning, it should at least work seriously, even after re-used! Other common reasons are, it seems strange that of cephalopods, in association with the kind of fantasy and horror stories of well-known in America beginning the twentieth century as Pulp Fiction (for writings in magazines intended for mass consumption that used a low-quality paper called "pulp paper") that relate to authors of horror stories such as, for example, Lovecraft.

il_570xN_150155938 pendant OctopusMe

Another reason is that of Victorian taste even key, in this very original pendants for necklaces fanciful. There are, then, both references and references to other historical periods and to other regions of the world that are not just western ones. In particular, colonialism and imperialism are contemplated as a possible source of inspiration. The beginning of the twentieth century up to the 40s provide other elements. Countries such as India, Persia, North Africa, Turkey are often found in Steampunk suggestions.

jewels give great importance to beauty ideals that reflects ancient and unusual. Often, the pieces are presented with something heavy and aggressive, at least in appearance, but, normally, they can retain a touch of femininity. As for the materials used, prevailing brass, bronze, copper, silver-colored gun metal, aluminum and titanium. Colors, not just silver and gold. The reason for this preference is certainly ascribed to the use of these metals for the construction machinery during the 19th century.

Sources ; Wikipedia ; Etsy

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Flu Vaccine With Autoimmune Disease

The bombing of Alexandria in Egypt and the Italian press

Egyptian and a Muslim, my duty to express my firm rejection of this cowardly attack. Even so, I personally have spent four years old, beautiful, the my life in a town in southern Egypt, with a Christian majority. It's called Al Minia, the Bride of Sa'eed, namely the south of Egypt.
I talked with some Christian friends in Egypt and I can fully understand their anger and their need for time to pass a story like that.
But what I also say this is the peaceful coexistence of Muslims and Christians in Egypt.
And this does not mean that everything goes smoothly, that's all right. Certainly not.
But the problem is not just for Christians in Egypt. The entire population is going through a historic moment, dare I say bad.
Il regime egiziano ha commesso troppi errori nei confronti di tutti gli egiziani. E continuerà a farlo, a meno che gli egiziani dicano No. Non si può più.
Il ministro degli esteri Frattini, ha detto ieri che ammira molto la solidarietà dei musulmani d’Egitto, ai loro concittadini cristiani durante le feste della notte di 6 gennaio.
Infatti, si tratta qui di iniziative popolari.
Quello che mi preoccupa molto è la reazione esagerata del monsignor Barnaba El Suriany vescovo per Roma e Torino, che ha invitato ad 
“ una manifestazione pubblica in Republic Square in Rome in memory of the victims whose lives have been shattered nell'ignobile terrorist attack in Alexandria, Egypt, and against the slaughter of Christians in Egypt "
And he objected to the participation of Egyptian citizens, or of other nationalities of the Islamic faith in this event.
choice for me, inexplicable and unacceptable. The Archbishop told reporters that
"Our community in this want to live alone when his pain and does not want members of other religions, nor Muslims nor Jews nor Catholics. If, in the coming days, other faith communities will organize demonstrations of solidarity, we are happy to participate. "
The Archbishop with such statements, let us understand that the answer is" live alone " !
as you can. In a big city like Cairo, Alexandria and everything is mixed and all are in the same crowded bus, or in the same row in front of a bakery in any medium or poor neighborhood.
Certainly, Christians suffer injustice. But it is partial, speaking of the sufferings of Christians and forget the suffering of the other categories of the Egyptian people.
course must present their condolences to the Christian families of the victims of this horrible attack. But it is also only right to mention the deaths of Muslims in the same.
It should condemn the brutality of Egyptian police in the investigation that followed the accident that caused the death of a young Muslim man of thirty, Sayed Bilal . To whom and her child, now an orphan I have dedicated the photo of this post.
Saturday, Corriere della Sera, a reader, Fabio Todini, send a message to Sergio Romano in which he asks the reason for these repeated attacks targeted at Christians in the East. He wonders if they are:
" the answer to the last decade of western interventionist policies in the Middle East? "
I think this time the link is not there, or at least not in the direct sense. The story started when, in recent years the phenomenon of Christians who convert to Islam has increased in Egypt. And especially when two ladies, wives of Coptic priests, and allow le loro case, si diffonde la voce che sarebbero convertite all’Islàm. Una signora, Wafaà Costantine, è scomparsa da più di 6 anni!! E la seconda è Camilia Shehata, scomparsa recentemente e poi apparsa in un video diffuso dalla stessa chiesa egiziana per rispondere alle bugie su di lei. I giovani musulmani, sia della Fratellanza musulmana sia di altri movimenti islamici hanno avviato delle manifestazioni, chiedendo che la signora vada alla televisione ufficiale per dare la sua testimonianza e per chiudere definitivamente questo dossier. Il governo non ha voluto fare niente. Ha lasciato che i giovani musulmani e cristiani si scontrano in manifestazioni reciproche e che diventano preda di estreme posizioni e dichiarazioni da alcuni predicatori d’odio sia da una parte sia dall’altra.
E qui entra in gioco, secondo una delle mille interpretazioni, l’ultimatum del movimento dello “Stato Islamico dell’Iraq” che nella sua rivendicazione dell’attacco ad una chiesa cattolica a Bagdad alla fine dello scorso ottobre, e che ha causato la morte di una quarantina di iracheni, dichiara che il motivo di tale attacco non è che 
“per aiutare le nostre povere sorelle musulmane prigioniere ( nelle chiese ) nel paese musulmano dell'Egitto”.
 È la colpa del regime, sottovalutare scalation of a kind. But we already know all the Mubarak regime has other priorities. Has neither the time nor the desire to change the plight of the Egyptian people, both Muslims and Christians, of course.
Back to the reply by Sergio Romano. According to him:
"Nothing, in view of Al Qaeda, may contribute to the discredit of the international regime of Mubarak as its apparent inability to protect 10% of its population."
The stigma international regime of Mubarak. But of course, and so we must not fall into the trap. We must be with the dictator Mubarak. Just because the alternative is Islamic fanaticism!
And here we arrive at the Western interventionist policy in the Middle East. Both political leaders, is largely Western cultural elite prefer a totalitarian regime to a truly democratic and elected by the people. Because the priority here, though we know this already, is the economic, oil, dirt money.
I wrote a lot, maybe too much. But before leaving Sergio Romano's response to this letter, I want to focus first on the title of this letter:
"Christians in Islam. What's behind the hatred. "
A title of a colossal superficiality, so simple and so general, that passes, and weld in the collective imagination of the reader, the average Italian connotation between Islam and Hate . Between Violence and the entire world community of Muslims, a billion and beyond!
and conclusions:
"One thing, however, I am sure. Win in the end, those who do not leave misled by emotional and hasty conclusions. "
Then the great journalist says that at first did not believe in the 'clash of civilizations', ends with talk of victory and defeat! But I was more interested in his mention of the emotional and hasty conclusions . Because I think this phrase sums up the way many have dealt with - deal with it and will retain, of course - the argument and similar arguments in the Italian press.
the same day, and on more than one newspaper is talking about "In Rega.
A journalist who wrote a book on Islam, published a year ago. And he accuses Islamists "disturbed from his book" want to kill him. As a result of a gunshot to his car the night of January 7. The journalist said that it is not the first time, to have suffered threats, I have received envelopes with bullets and even a severed head of a lamb in the same car.
It has no doubt
"I am all of them by Hezbollah. They swear to me that what I wrote and support in my book.
But what journalist wrote this? Si pensa subito a delle scoperte inedite su Hezbollah, o informazioni top secret e cose simili.
Ma lo stesso dice che nel libro non ci sono che “cose elementari e di buon senso” , come la lotta contro l’infibulazione e contro la poligamia, la diffusione della cultura dei diritti umani:
"...Ma è noto che i paesi islamici della dichiarazione dei diritti dell'uomo non ne vogliono sentire parlare."
La stessa solita storia, le stesse parole ripetute e ripetute. Il che non può giustificare questa presa di mira. Almeno, per me. Posso capire che un giornalista o uno scrittore viene perseguitato dai fondamentalisti Muslims, when it comes to an "insult" to the divine figure, or that of the Prophet. Not for any text on Islam.
Certainly it is my duty to express my solidarity with all victims of intimidation and violence. But in this case, there is something wrong, always in my humble opinion.
How come all these various forms of threats to Mr. Rega captain, when he is alone in his car?
And the most important question, a gesture as strong as ever, more than a year after the publication of the book?
, and to a hypothesis that would something now, how come he hastens to say that work is not of any of its enemy, but Islamic fundamentalists, namely, those of Hezollah!
What is the truth? I do not know. But I hope to be clarified soon.
However, some damage has already happened, and I mean the damage to Islam as a religion and as a community. The titles of services dedicated to the story are
"Shots fired auto journalist Rai wrote book on Islam, given the spare In Rega,
"threatened by Islam".
And now, Facebook groups and letters not only of solidarity. I have nothing against him. It is free to say his, but you can not just accept these conclusions so emotional and so hasty .
In two days, Mr. Rega has become the symbol of free thought, the challenge to Islamic violence and intolerance!
In two days, just as the film's box office last Zalone , What a beautiful giornata , un film che ha a che fare anche con il terrorismo arabo-islamico.
Mah! Che bella coincidenza!

Cramping With The Removal Of A Cervical Polyp

Wow! First Mega Offer Directly From My Etsy Shop!

Good Sunday! How are you? I go out of my torpor Sunday for an important communication!

From today Tuesday, January 11, 2010 everyone will want to buy from my shop on Etsy will get a 15% discount on every purchase! The offer applies only Quote this code in the space called Shop Coupon Code: LPHAPPYSALE

entering code LPHAPPYSALE (I recommend, otherwise the offer will not be valid!) And automatically you will get an immediate discount!

The offer will expire at midnight on Tuesday, January 11

:-) Enjoy!

What could you buy? Let '.. My earrings and silver hearts Swa

Pink Hearts-Earrings. Sterling Silver and Swaroski Crystals.FREE SHIPPING.

Or Vesuvian earrings, silver and hematite

Vesuvian-Sterling Silver Hoop Earrings. 1

Or maybe the Swarovski pearl bracelet, Venus from the sea ..

Venus From The Sea-Woven Bracelet with Swaroski Crystals.FREE SHIPPING.

But there are many other possibilities. If you like it, check out the items for sale

e. A hug.

Good creativity!


Friday, January 7, 2011

Cervical Lordosisarthritis

the first seal is never forgotten.

I admit, I have studied, tried and tried. I have read a thousand articles, I cracked an English book, I have seen and reviewed the video. In short, I really do date. Lately, my thoughts always flew toward the welding, the wonderful illusion of us who love working with metal! Or, as he says with a term in international, metalsmithing.

New Year's Eve, while the younger "furnish" il giardino con i fuochi d’artificio ed i più maturi si rimpinzavano di arachidi e panettone, io me ne stavo nel mio angolino muschioso, nella fattispecie, un comodo divano e, con gli appunti che mi ero creata, studiavo come fare la prima saldatura. Ho atteso che passasse il Primo dell’anno e.. finalmente, il giorno 2 Gennaio, data che non dimenticherò :D, ho dato il via alle danze! Cannello a gas e saldatura! Wow!

C’è molto da fare, ancora, logico. Anzi, direi che c’è tutto da fare! Devo ancora capire tante cose e studiare. Bisogna acquisire esperienza e pratica, ma, l’importante, per me, ora, è avere cominciato ed il risultato ottenuto un po’ mi conforta, or at least forces me to move forward on this path.

Serie di 3 anellini in AG 025 realizzati a mano 006

This series of three rings AG 925 is made from silver wire with a thickness of 1.5 mm. After welding, I brushed and polished properly stressing the rings with the metal brush. Right at the end, I spent the cloth anti-oxidation.

Serie di 3 anellini in AG 025 realizzati a mano 012

As you can see from the pictures, the rings have been hammered for texture and vibrant movement. The wire I used was round. In fact, you can use the type you want. That half-round cross-section is certainly very suitable for the manufacture of whiskers.

Serie di 3 anellini in AG 025 realizzati a mano 011

Per ottenere la misura ho usato un mandrino in acciaio, scarto di lavorazione metalmeccanica. Fa parte di una serie di cilindretti di acciaio di varie misure. Non ne ho molti, ma quelli che ho possono andare bene per fare, almeno, le misure principali. Intanto, sto già provvedendo per avere, al più presto, un mandrino d’acciaio come si deve che mi fornisca tutte le misure possibili.

Serie di 3 anellini in AG 025 realizzati a mano 004

La misura italiana di questo set è 13 (6,5 USA), con un diametro interno di circa 16,8 mm.


Misura per Anelli La tabella che vedete sopra è tratta dal sito La Baia dei Gioielli   il quale riporta, tra le innumerevoli informazioni, anche il valore delle misure standard per gli anelli sia secondo la “maniera” italiana sia secondo quella internazionale.

Navigando in internet è, comunque, facilissimo imbattersi in tabelle di questo tipo. In particolare, in siti che trattano la vendita di anelli nuziali, ma non solo in quelli, ovviamente.

Non mancano i libri sull’argomento lavorazione dei metalli. Ce ne sono di ottimi in italiano, ma io vorrei segnalarvene uno in inglese. Si tratta di The Complete Metalsmith di Tim McCreight. A small Bible to those who approach this area.

Good creativity!


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Bahrain Sport Frequemcy

New Year and earrings.

Hello! Happy 2011 to everyone! My beloved blog that allowed me to get in touch with the wonderful world of creative and show my little creations resumed its journey to full capacity after just a few days off. I missed you! But this time I could learn some new technique, I outfitted a bit 'different kind of material, I tried to crochet and knitted (hmmm ... will correct terms?), In short, I ventured into something new I hope will bear fruit in a not too distant future.

is the first pair of earrings of the year. I used the discs that I have hammered silver 925 and screcciato (haihaihai! This is precisely the word I invented. Italianization of Wild to scratch, scratch) and then decorated with a combination of silver wire, beads and Swarovski pearls river. Everything about the tone of amethyst pink / turquoise / pink salmon.

Orecchini in Ag 925 e Swaroski fatti a mano

I enjoyed adding silver micro beads to give a more three-dimensional base disc and give them a touch more light.

Orecchini in Ag 925 e Swaroski fatti a mano

appearance from "hand-made object", the grunge style deliberately combined the elegance and beauty of crystals of silver suits me. I like the contrasts in harmony, and this is nothing new .. :-)

Orecchini in Ag 925 e Swaroski fatti a mano

To find the right way to weave the thread properly hiding items in the work I did and redid the first earring a number of times, but I must say that in the end everything went place as it should and the result satisfies me.

Orecchini in Ag 925 e Swaroski fatti a mano

The photos do not make that much, but I assure you that the earrings give off a great light!

A small news in Love Potion . Oltre al mio negozio Etsy tutto dedicato alla mia passione per i bijoux, da oggi anche la mia passione per gli oggetti vintage ha trovato dimora! Ho aperto un nuovo negozio sempre sulla piattaforma Etsy. Si chiama My Little Vintage World. Qui si possono trovare oggetti vintage di vario tipo, accessori moda, ricordi del passato come vecchie ceramiche e tutto ciò che io amo collezionare. Essendo nuovo di zecca ci sono ancora pochi oggetti in vendita, ma con il tempo la collezione presente si amplierà. Se vi fa piacere, date un’occhiata. Qui di seguito un piccolo esempio di quello che potrete trovare.

Stampo in porcellana a forma di pesce inizi del 900' porcelain mold shaped like a fish. Germany, 1920.

And now make way for bijoux. The daily menu includes experiments with wire and crochet.

Good creativity at all!
