Bracciale Steampunk di edmdesigns
Buona Domenica a tutti. Mi rendo conto di avere fatto passare, addirittura, una settimana dall’ultimo post del mio blog, ma, in questi giorni sono capitate tante important things that I have stolen to the end of the time available. Indeed, one thing I could do in my bed at night, thinking about how to buy time from my days! I think this topic (of wide interest, right?) May also become subject to a post.
I, again, taking the reins of Etsy these days looking, as usual, to grasp the trends and fashions. Since I joined the mega sales platform to date, I could detect some major "strands" in the category of handmade jewelry. Trends, in fact, that characterize most of all, the modern American taste, but it is not difficult to trace even in works of Italian artists. Among these styles, today, I would like to talk about Steampunk Jewelry.
Steampunk derives its name from a play on words: steam, "steam" and "punk", in fact, recall that deliberately and in a playful name of the cultural movement cyberpunk in vogue since the mid- 80s of the twentieth century. The cyberpunk is a current member of the wider literary genre fiction . Even Steampunk is proposed at the beginning, as the trend of fantastic fiction, science fiction, expanding, then, to other aspects of cultural and artistic fino a diventare, oggi, una sottocultura dell’ambiente metropolitano che, pur non presentando linee guida precise, pervade anche la moda, l’arte, l’architettura, l’home decor, i films ed altri aspetti della vita quotidiana.
Sacchetto per la lavanda in stile Steampunk di wickedpixy
Corsetto in stile Steampunk di damselinthisdress
Steam è un termine che significa “vapore” e fa riferimento ad un’epoca storica e ad un mondo basato sul potere del motore a vapore , il 19° sec. e, soprattutto, all’ epoca Victorian . Steampunk art products are characterized by the presence of fantastic elements and fantasy. From an outdated technology and future innovations may have been imagined as a Victorian perspective. The technology can include imaginary machines such as those found in literary works of HG Wells and Jules Verne, but also computers, fruits, however, of a world of technology and an alternative to our history.
Brilliant computer (funzionante!) built with an old typewriter keyboard, the work of woodgay32
In recent years, the Steampunk style has also permeated the field of handmade jewelry a great success.
Steampunk Ring of LondonParticulars
The jewelry Steampunk . Steampunk as a subculture that is based Punk DIY ethics, or, on the Do it yourself, do it yourself. The most beautiful jewels are made by hand and using original parts. Not surprisingly, the price is often quite high. The main reason the applicant is that of ' gear in sight. The same as wristwatches and pocket. Even the dials and clocks are re-used to make art objects. Steampunk seems to have almost an obsession for the time and what it represents most of the mechanism.
necklace pendant nouveaumotley
Today, the gear is a stereotypical pattern, so as to have made up their noses at most sincere supporters of the Steampunk genre. It is noted, in fact, in many quarters, as the gear, to have a genuine meaning, it should at least work seriously, even after re-used! Other common reasons are, it seems strange that of cephalopods, in association with the kind of fantasy and horror stories of well-known in America beginning the twentieth century as Pulp Fiction (for writings in magazines intended for mass consumption that used a low-quality paper called "pulp paper") that relate to authors of horror stories such as, for example, Lovecraft.
pendant OctopusMe
Another reason is that of Victorian taste even key, in this very original pendants for necklaces fanciful. There are, then, both references and references to other historical periods and to other regions of the world that are not just western ones. In particular, colonialism and imperialism are contemplated as a possible source of inspiration. The beginning of the twentieth century up to the 40s provide other elements. Countries such as India, Persia, North Africa, Turkey are often found in Steampunk suggestions.
jewels give great importance to beauty ideals that reflects ancient and unusual. Often, the pieces are presented with something heavy and aggressive, at least in appearance, but, normally, they can retain a touch of femininity. As for the materials used, prevailing brass, bronze, copper, silver-colored gun metal, aluminum and titanium. Colors, not just silver and gold. The reason for this preference is certainly ascribed to the use of these metals for the construction machinery during the 19th century.
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