like to emphasize at the outset that I am I to disappoint my doubts but I think unfortunately that the result is now governed. Unprecedentedly million are not consistent opposition forces Egyptian and it seems they will never agree. For the millionth time and some forces are trying to mobilize young people to move the masses virtual weight in the street and fail. As a result, more frustrations And more disappointment for many young people reach their often desperate.
As for why, maybe the question was not even worth the trouble to answer, but I think it should be تجاوز الأسباب المباشرة للبحث في جذور المسألة المصرية.
منذ سنتين قُدر لي حضور حفل توقيع ترجمة رواية الأديب و الكاتب الصحفي علاء الأسواني , عمارة يعقوبيان, Italian language in Rome. During the ceremony there was a question of freedom of thought and the press in Egypt. Aswani replied that there is freedom of speech "negative".
in the sense that you are free to write whatever You want, as long as the word is your destination.
I think that this is the portal to know the real description of the failure of previous attempts and this time try to mobilize the masses.
system Egyptian knows very well that the people passing moments where patience is almost a distant dream and therefore offers the Egyptians and meals of negative freedom, which acts as a drug starting with the Egyptian tingling في أطرافه و بالتالي لا يكون في مقدوره المشاركة الفعلية في أي مظاهرات حاشدة.
المأساة أن الشعب و خاصة طبقاته المثقفة يستمر في تناول هذه الوجبات المسمومة و لا ينتبه أن بها سماً قاتلاً و لو صاحت كل مكبرات الصوت بشوارعنا الحبيبة.
فبعد فترة من قراءة المقالات المعارضة للحكومة و للنظام بشكل عام, و بعد فترة من Listen to the harmony and musical links between the poems and songs and messages, they feel a lot of us as we say colloquially, "Vcoa Glhm" FSH and hatred you feel that you are the best, and is feeling cheated.
فمازلت كل المشاكل كما هيّ, لم يتغير أي شيء و لكنك فرّغت كل هذه الشحنة السلبية.
الموضوع أقرب لدمية إسفنجية يضع كل منا عليها كل يوم صورة رمز من رموز نظامنا الحاكم , و يظل لساعة أو ساعتين يلكم هذه الدمية و ربما يندمج أكثر فيهيل عليها السباب . و بعد هذه العلقة الوهمية, يأوي صاحبنا إلى فراشه و اليقظة تتداخل مع الأحلام فلا Who knows. Is avenged doll or of the true character. Go to sleep and it feels Balinchae
Do you stand at this point?
unfortunately not. After a period of not longer allow this health Citizen seducer that any hits to the doll, he was content with throwing insults.
soon after and his throat had dried Vgarith or small city is not up to drinking water, only a glance Reproach or Mssamsp lips.
and confirm to himself and is between life and death that this change is the most vulnerable.
of course this is not the only scenario.
What if the citizen wanted this Actually change and was aware from the outset that his goal is to reach a radical and not resolve Altsber palliatives?
What if I wanted the youth of this country really change and realized that a private In a country like Egypt can not happen overnight? If only because it is the laws of God in the universe. And what happened in Tunisia can not in any way be judged at present and predict its future .
أعتقد و قد أكون مخطئاً أن بلادنا الحبيبة في أمس الحاجة لكيانات و تنظيمات جديدة تعتمد على الشباب في المقام الأول دون أن تغفل دور الحكماء و الشرفاء من هذا The country and they are many.
entities know that the road is long without thinking, and if you think that it has no end. By a long length of this country and display. Change must reach his convictions to all villages and Njuaha. Change based on the work and to engage the real and direct with people.
of course all the headnotes and God
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said: "Rjaaaaaaaalh" and
... ..
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