We report an interesting news from the site of the precarious precarius of Health (see link below right) in which we learn that some executives precarious our colleagues are able to obtain a hearing before the Minister Sacconi.. Of course, regardless of the particular case and how the Minister intends to deal with it, the important point, in our view, is that my colleagues have been "heard" ... Here is the full text.
La Red.
La Red.
"A delegation of the Executive Committee of the Veneto Precarious Health, led by Giampiero Avruscio and composed by Pierluigi Policastro, Rosamaria Quatraro, Sonia Daniela Sanavio Boy and was received by Minister Sacconi Saturday, September 20th at Cortina. The Committee for a long time fighting against injustice and exploitation of medical directors, veterinarians, psychologists, biologists, chemists, engineers, administrative and support the smooth functioning of public healthcare facilities in the Veneto region and are in many cases, the par excellence. 'was launched recently a Regional Law laying the groundwork for the stabilization of about 270 doctors and veterinarians. Many managers do not expect doctors to end years of unfair treatment than their employees, the burden on the precariousness of life of individuals and their families. The Council of Ministers appealed to the Constitutional Court against the decision of the Veneto Region, causing even more discomfort and lack of motivation in not more insecure young leaders (some live in this situation for over 10 years!). The degree of civilization of a country or a region is directly proportional to the opportunities and possibilities to look with serenity to its own future. A country or a region has not seen and not heard, that discourage e allontana le sue forze migliori, come quelle dei dirigenti precari della sanità, è un Paese o una Regione che non ha futuro! Dopo una sintetica presentazione della problematica esposta da Avruscio, al Ministro Sacconi è stata chiesta una solidarietà attiva! Il Ministro ha affermato di conoscere bene la questione e che sta lavorando insieme agli altri Ministri coinvolti, per trovare una soluzione coerente con le diverse realtà sanitarie regionali. Il Ministro ha chiaramente detto che la stabilizzazione dei dirigenti interni alla sanità sarà collegata e condizionata dallo stato finanziario delle diverse Regioni e delle diverse Aziende ULSS. La procedure che stanno pensando di concerto con gli altri componenti del Governo interessati, will be increasingly linked with the development of fiscal federalism: the regions with the most virtuous and accounts in order will be favored. The idea is expressed by the Minister to release the competitions in the region with accounts of the Health Section in order - including Veneto - and thus enable the Directors General of Local Health Units virtuous to be more free to hold competitions for jobs vacancies instead of continuing to hold the same posts with temporary staff. The Minister has repeatedly stated that he could not say more because the issue is still being defined, but in the calendar of the Government in the development of federalism. The impression had been taken as a whole positive ... although there are regions that had not received the appeal of the Prime Minister! Meanwhile, the Veneto Region has instructed the lawyer prof. Perulli for the defense. "