Riportiamo un estratto dell'articolo apparso su ANMVI oggi del 2 settembre.
Martedì 2 settembre si è riunito a Roma il tavolo di concertazione ANMVI/ FedMed UIL FPL -SIVA. (Omississ)...
Il tavolo ha affrontato, accanto alle LEAVET other issues, the subject of veterinary precarious the Ministry of Health and analyzed the actions taken by Med Fed ANMVI and UIL FPL to find, each based on its role, a solution to the problem.
Claudio Fantini (ILO) said that as a union have moved directly to the Minister Maurizio Sacconi and that, while not lacking focus and determination in seeking to stabilize this year, the road is all uphill, you should then look Various proposals to ensure the continuity veterinarians precarious employment reaching a definitive stabilization in a few years. Certainties promised today would only create illusions. Are however, been evaluated several scenarios that will be pursued with maximum effort and commitment by both organizations ... (omitted).
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