While, therefore, we discuss open-ended agreement , il Coordinamento precari sulla scorta, anche, dei risultati ottenuti dall'audizione di Giugno scorso con il Capo Dipartimentp per la Sanità Pubblica Veterinaria, la Nutrizione e la Sicurezza degli Alimenti, dott. Romano Marabelli, organizza un incontro tra i rappresentanti degli uffici da tenersi a Bologna il 28/09/2008.
Vi riportiamo alcuni passi della recente Comunicazione del Coordinamento precari.
" Sin dal primo momento abbiamo sottolineato l’importanza di un incontro fisico di tutti i Rappresentanti per definire le linee guida del lavoro comune.. .(omissis)"
" Vogliamo anche ricordare that coordination is able to obtain a hearing with the Director Marabelli (June 10, 2008) creating a direct path of dialogue and confrontation ... (omitted) "These are the most important points emerged during the 'audition and reported also in the report of the meeting by some of the delegates then present Coordination (ed):
... only in autumn you can have some more news about it.
Meanwhile Marabelli did pass the message to put pressure on politicians.
The delegation asked Marabelli a subsequent meeting for that period; Marabelli also suggested the presence of Celotto, so it was agreed to an early October 2008 ... (omitted) "
... only in autumn you can have some more news about it.
Meanwhile Marabelli did pass the message to put pressure on politicians.
The delegation asked Marabelli a subsequent meeting for that period; Marabelli also suggested the presence of Celotto, so it was agreed to an early October 2008 ... (omitted) "
Following this, the Coordination considers necessary a meeting with its representatives of the Offices for" ... to proceed with the second hearing with the Director Marabelli "
Coordination has also welcomed the proposal received by the Representative of the Coordination for the 'no. DGSAN III of" ... send a request for hearing to the Secretaries of Fazio and Martini (and the Director Marabelli), and many colleagues, even outside of coordination, have responded positively, but then we did not know if the request has been submitted or not . "
The request for a meeting between representatives also moved by the need to deepen the already mentioned issue of the proposed agreement and are much discussed, advanced in recent weeks.
The Editorial Board can only wish you good work colleagues who will gather in Bologna ...
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