read ANMVI today by the September 19 c.m. l'ennesima poco confortante dichiarazione del Ministro Brunetta. Con questo clima....è buona logica non rifiutare a priori qualsivoglia proposta venga fatta per rendere stabile il nostro contributo lavorativo al Ministero. E tra queste non vanno assolutamente escluse quelle iniziative che prevedono il tempo indeterminato.
La Red.
"Nella pubblica amministrazione si entrera' solo per concorso e chi ha un contratto a termine alla scadenza del proprio lavoro non potra' accampare diritti". E' quanto ha dichiarato a Radio Radicale il ministro della Funzione pubblica, Renato Brunetta. "Basta con i precari - ha aggiunto Brunetta - nella pubblica amministrazione si entra solo per concorso. Just keep hanging people with job insecurity. In the public administration should enter the contest and when you have won a contest there must be at work. "Brunetta
He reports that the AGI has also announced it is studying a rule on the issue:" We are preparing a new standard review the rules of the Prodi government that without funding had assumed a 'todos caballeros' for all the hundreds of thousands of temporary workers. I'm talking about those holding non-standard contracts, not the winners of the competition they must have their place when the place becomes available.
He reports that the AGI has also announced it is studying a rule on the issue:" We are preparing a new standard review the rules of the Prodi government that without funding had assumed a 'todos caballeros' for all the hundreds of thousands of temporary workers. I'm talking about those holding non-standard contracts, not the winners of the competition they must have their place when the place becomes available.
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