Monday, December 27, 2010

Do Ohio Licenses Have A Hologram

شهادة عن الإسلام في إيطاليا

مسجد روما الكبير
تابعت منذ فترة ليست بالبعيدة مقابلة مع وزير خارجية إيطاليا على قناة الجزيرة. When asked about the conditions of Muslims in his country, he replied proudly that there are over two hundred mosque. Over the matter and if everything goes well.
shortly afterwards and found an Italian magazine Confirm that the places of worship in Italy more than seven hundred.
I live in Italy for over five years, for reasons of study and research. I know very well That the number of mosques in Italy does not reach the fingers of one hand. The more than two hundred rooms are small or Jraچat or ground roles, and sometimes underground pool of Muslims living Here and who Astogroha to find a place of residence where the imposition of the Lord. Places no room for the worshipers and do not have any support or facilities by the State or the other.
time before I followed the Conference Bishops of the Middle East, which is sponsored by the Vatican to follow the conditions of Christians in the Middle East. Participated in this conference, Foreign Minister stressed the importance of defending the Christians of the Middle Vourba وإيطاليا بالأخص يجب أن تحافظ على هويتها المسيحية. ليس فقط, بل ويجب عليها القيام بواجباتها تجاه المسيحيين المضطهدين في كل مكان.
بالطبع أرتفعت وتيرة التحذير Of the increasing waves of violence against Christians in the East, of Alexandria after the incident.
and that victims have had of Muslims and Christians alike.
I do not mean to mention this reference positions To a height of the religious conservative in Italy, but try to connect things to the reader the true essence of the Arab and especially with regard to affairs in Italy.
when I started my Language and Italian culture, you often collides with slogans emphasizes the importance of secularism, and Italy, despite the presence of the Holy Pontifical in a suburb of the capital, state Magaysr give to Caesar, God what is God. I think I kept it for a long time. Until I had the opportunity to stay in Italy, specifically in its capital Rome, and then found that the issue was complex.
people repeat this until you الملالة أنه علماني, لا يخلط الدين بالسياسة ولا بغيرها, و عندما تُصدر قاضية حكماً يلزم بإزالة الصليب من المدارس "العلمانية" لأنه يعبر عن التمييز لإحدى الأديان في مقابل ما سواها, تقوم الدنيا ولا تقعد.
شعب يتجمع ليستمع إلى محاضرة عن أمجاد اليونان والإغريق في كنيسة!
و ربما بعد ساعتين من النقد الموجه للفكر الديني In general and of Christianity itself, cheering and excited, but before his departure do not forget to read a short prayer to the Cross!
people want to live life to the fullest Bmtaha border, and when he grows up Will go in the Age of the Church, then at least there will find companionship in a time when children give up on Iltzmathm toward their parents, although they may have been with them in the house one because they depend They even thirty and sometimes even forty!
These are some of the features of the phenomenon, Italian, and that our children take in the midst of Arabs and Muslims, who pray to it sometimes They are in the teenage years. Not to mention settle and get a permanent residence or on Italian passports.
one of my colleagues at the university once told me: All who come to Italy melts In melt composition as in pasta sauce (Italian of course)!
I said to myself: perhaps rhetorical exaggeration, or perhaps one who hopes to reach his country, that Insroa or leave.
ووجدت بعدها شباباً و فتيات عرباً و مسلمين, لا تميزهم عن زملائهم من الشباب والفتيات الإيطاليات. بل ووجدت رجالاً شابت شعورهم, يعيشون على هامش الحياة, ولا يفكرون أبداً في العودة إلى بلاهم العربية والإسلامية. عندما تسألهم يجيبونك بأن هذه البلاد, التي تشبه المرأة اللعوب, أكلت أعمارهم. خدعتهم, وأسرتهم بمباهجها, ثم لما طال بهم المقام تبين لهم مدى الغبن الذي وقعوا فيه.
هاذي البلاد, تسحق الآخر إن لم يصبر ويصابر حفاظاً عن هويته. و لكن كيف لهذه الأقليات أن تقف على قدميها و تطالب بحقوقها و تعتز بهويتها و ليس لها من ورائها من يدافع عنها و يغضب لها و يدعمها مادياً و معنويا.
عندما يتحدث الكثير من الإيطاليين عن الإندماج, فهم يقصدون به الإنصهار والذوبان الكامل في عادات وتقاليد بلادهم.
ولهذا يحاولون الترويج لبعض الصحفيين و الدارسين و الشباب القادم من العالم العربي والإسلامي, والذين Melted their identity and become Msokha. There are have been Arabs, Muslims and they have become Europeans, Italians. Neither to these nor to those.
I do not I hate for Italians, but I do not grudge I am proud of my identity as they are proud of their identity, and also assumes every Muslim and Arab identity should be proud of, especially as we are a nation led the world for centuries and will bear the torch of enlightenment and urbanization soon, God willing.
From this standpoint, decided that the lines of this certificate to perhaps contribute to the clarification of the conditions of Arabs and Muslims living in Italy. I hope all of which had the capacity to shed الضوء أكثر على هذه الأقليات المسلمة التي تصارع لتحافظ على هويتها الأصلية, قبل أن يفوت الأوان.
أختم بخبرين نشرتهما الصحف الإيطالية السبت الثامن من يناير. The first news about the success of a landslide for the Italian film, entitled "What a beautiful day!", Made in two days, seven million euros and is expected to be up to thirty million!
What is important to know is That the subject of this comedy is about an Italian man from the south up to Milan, the industrial capital in the north of Italy to work as a security guard inside one of the museums and there meets a girl Arab Tohmh they examine, while preparing for a terrorist act "aimed at Western civilization." Of course, this young man succeed in thwarting attempts at the end.
not seen the film yet, but significant The choice of such themes, rooted in the collective imagination of the Italian perception of the Arab and Muslim terrorist who wants to destroy Western civilization.
The second news item Which moved me a lot is about the Italian journalist called "Nello Riga" Nello Rega , recently wrote a book about his relationship with a Muslim woman from Iran, known in Lebanon and their relationship lasted for three Years, then disappeared in Giaheb "extremism and Islamic fundamentalism," he said. This press, which devoted a lot of Italian full-page newspaper, claimed that he was subjected to an assassination attempt بينما كان يقود سيارته وقال بأنه تلقى من قبل العديد من التهديدات الخطية كما وجد في عربته ذات مرة رأس جدي مذبوح!!
صرح هذا الصحفي أنه متأكد أن وراء الحادث متطرفين إسلاميين يريدون إسكاته ولكنه لن يستسلم و سيواصل الطريق الذي أختاره والذي يهدف للنهوض بالعالم العربي والإسلامي عبر إلغاء الختان و تعدد الزوجات و محاربة زواج Minors.
these lawsuits we hear a lot here Mtalegoha not been subjected to attempted murder and possibly pay attention to the journalist, said the text of the letters that its provisions do not include only things "primary, And required by the simplest rules of wisdom. "Maybe the journalist was actually an assassination attempt, but this scenario reminds me of another journalist, is the" Magdi Allam, "who has written extensively about Islamic extremism, As a Muslim Arab familiar things, until he was appointed deputy editor of one of the largest Italian newspapers and to discover that it no longer has what it adds in this context, try to flirt with The Zionist lobby, he wrote a book entitled "Viva Israel" and then convert to Christianity by the Pope in the Vatican media event not only draw unwarranted attention to this blatant form in التبعية و في الموالاة مع ما يريد الإيطاليون أن يسمعوه وأن يروه من المهاجرين العرب والمسلمين الموجودين على أراضيهم.
كان هذا الصحفي هو الآخر يكرر أنه تعرض لفتاوي تبيح دمه, حتى عين له حراسة دائمة.
قابلت مرة أحد حراسه فقال لي: " هل صحيح أن الشريعة تريد قتله؟ "
تعجبت من السؤال الذي يدل على مدي الجهل الكلي بديننا. فقد تم تصوير الشريعة الغراء للكثير من الإيطاليين على أنها وحش يحمل في يده سكينا و يريد إبادة كل مخالفيه.
ثم علمت للأسف أن هذا الصحفي, المصري الأصل, و مصر منه Bara, a hold seminars in public schools for students occurs about his "model"! And what he said a lie and attitudes found that Muslim extremists were killed and his father help him when it was announced!
this market is popular here. Playing the role of a martyr of free thought and devote the idea of \u200b\u200bArabs and Muslims and thugs who are willing to blow the whole world at any moment!
and will continue So unless you wake up sane in the Arab world and Islamic world to carry out their tasks in standing firmly on the side of their brothers vulnerable in Italy, and of course in the other of the globe.
للحديث شجون و الله المستعان.
كلمات أكتبها, لتبقى أثراً على ما عشته هنا في بلاد الطليان. لعل فرداً ينتفع بها أو يستخلص منها خيرا. و رُب مُبَلَغٍ أوعى من سامع.
محمد عبد القادر
* نشرت بشبكة الألوكه - موقع المسلمون في العالم:


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