Monday, March 7, 2011

Woolite In He Washers

in orbit. Silver necklace with pendant and Alabaster Silver. Sterling Silver Necklace Pendant With Alabaster.

will be the proximity to the mysterious pyramids of Montevecchia oriented in the stars (to be exact, we should speak of the pyramids of Monte, a suburb of Rovagnate, a village close to the best-known in Montevecchia Province of Lecco) to let me lean so much for the heavenly bodies? Lately my creations are full of references to celestial bodies and in relation to them. In particular, the moon, alle orbite ed alle stelle.

Will it be the proximity to the mysterious pyramids of Montevecchia (to be exact, we should speak of the pyramids of Monte, a suburb of Rovagnate, a village close to the best-known Montevecchia in the province of Lecco) to let me tend towards heavenly bodies? Lately my creations are full of references to the heavenly bodies and what concerns them. Especially, to the moon,the orbits and the stars.




D’altro canto, a cosa può fare pensare una perla d’alabastro, così eterea a bianca, se non ad un corpo celeste come lo è la Luna illuminata dal Sole?

On the other hand, what makes one think of an alabaster pearl, so ethereal and white, if not a celestial body as the Moon whitened by the Sun?


Collana in AG 925 Con Pendente e Alabastro


Diciamo che ho lavorato un po’ di fantasia e, mischiando qualche suggestione, ho aggiunto uno strano anello alla mia Luna. Un po’ sbilenco, non perfetto, come piace a me :-)

Let's say I let my imagination run free and, mixing some suggestion, I added a strange ring to my Moon. A little lopsided, not perfect, as I like  :-)


Collana in AG 925 Con Pendente e Alabastro

Collana in AG 925 Con Pendente e Alabastro

Collana in AG 925 Con Pendente e Alabastro

The pendant consists of a crescent (appunto!) made of hammered silver to which I joined a circle and welded hammered until it is thin enough. The beautiful pearl white milky goes through it with ease. The

Consists of a crescent pendant made of hammered sterling silver wire soldered to Which I joined in and hammered ring. The beautiful milky white pearl goes through it easily.

Collana in AG 925 Con Pendente e Alabastro

These days I'm working hard on many fronts and now hope to show the results as soon as possible. Continue the experiments sul fronte saldatura come potete vedere, ma già sento che quel poco che ho appreso, così da praticona, mi sta stretto. Devo già procurarmi un’altra torcia ed altro materiale più adeguato a compiere il prossimo passo. E’ sempre così. Non fai in tempo ad imparare una cosa che la tua mente vola verso altri lidi! Di tutte queste cose, però, ve ne parlerò con calma prossimamente.

These days I'm working hard on many fronts and hope to show you the results as soon as possible. I Continue to experiment with soldering as you can see, but already I feel that what I have learned is not enough... I am likely to get me another torch and other materials more appropriate to take the next step. It 's always the case. You do not Have time to learn something That your mind flies to other shores! Of All These Things, though, the next time I'll talk quietly.

Good creativity! Happy




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