Stamane alle 10.00 presso la sede del Ministero della Salute in via Ribotta a Roma, si è tenuta l'assemblea fra tutte le sigle sindacali e i dipendenti del ministero della salute, durante il quale all’unanimità dei presenti è stata firmata una lettera con cui si prendono le distanze dalla decisione di accorpare il ministero della salute a quello del work and calls for the protection of the rights of employees of the ministry of health. The meeting was also attended by the Director-General Dr. Celotto, who has made a commitment to support our efforts with a letter "parallel", written in the key technical and signed by all DGs, with which it demands respect for the prerogatives that characterize this ministry, first and foremost that the budget remains clear and distinct from the Ministry of Labour despite the merger. Required the unanimity of the present strike, is currently being considered that possibility, which could take a bit earlier in the afternoon as a rally in RIPA along the Tiber.
Daniela Z.
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