Seguito della discussione del disegno di legge: Conversione in legge del decreto-legge 25 giugno 2008, n. 112, recante disposizioni urgenti per lo sviluppo economico, la semplificazione, la competitività, la stabilizzazione della finanza pubblica e la perequazione tributaria (A.C. 1386-A ) (ore 9,07).
(Esame degli ordini del giorno - A.C. 1386-A )
PRESIDENTE . Passiamo all'esame degli ordini del giorno presentati (vedi l'allegato A - A.C. 1386-A ).
PRESIDENTE . L'onorevole Viola ha facoltà di illustrare suo ordine del giorno n. 9/1386/214 .
RODOLFO Giulio Viola . Mr. President, in recent years we have seen, depending on the situation, wavering attitudes concerning the issues of prevention in all areas of public health. We think that in a modern state prevention should be a key instrument of protection of health and thus the attitude that, in contrast, should be consistent and costante.Altri agendas and actions of colleagues in the Democratic Party when amendments are as noted, for example, in prevention safety in the workplace, the Government, by Decree-law in question, push towards the reduction of the presence of technical prevention, an essential tool for any control and prevention. It strikes across the board, therefore, the opportunity for the State to play its essential role in this materia.In that effect, in the order of the day in question we want to express our concern that opens InPage. 113maniera creeping clearing the role of another key sector of prevention, namely that of veterinary public role that is now applicable across the entire food supply chain control and the relationship, which has become the social point of view, between man and animals . However, denying the stabilization of the leaders of the Ministry of Health, and between the veterinarians, you begin to introduce the idea that the article of knowledge and professionalism that ensured high levels of public health can be dismantled. As the Minister Brunetta fails to work harder and better than any public official or reduce the number where there is more need, cut the weak and unprotected, the precarious indeed, indiscriminately, and professionals over the years have possible to deal with - and successfully - internazionali.Ne mention two serious health scares for all: in Italy the BSE outbreak in Europe took a decade, has caused one death, compared to hundreds of Great Britain and France. Avian influenza in Italy was stopped at the border. I could go on and on. If things went well, lo si deve ad un sistema sanitario basato su una rete che va dal controllo alla frontiera fino all'attività delle aste editoriali, passando attraverso il lavoro degli istituti zooprofilattici.L'idea che si possa fare a meno di un pezzo di questo sistema, dopo che il precedente Governo invece si era impegnato a stabilizzarlo, ci preoccupa, proprio per l'idea che un nuovo modello di sanità pubblica possa affermarsi attraverso la riduzione dei controlli, con gravi rischi per la salute pubblica. Dal 2009 si passerà, quindi, ad un sistema più simile a quello inglese o francese, che, come abbiamo visto, in questo settore non hanno brillato certo per efficienza.Proprio per questo, con l'ordine del giorno in esame chiediamo al Governo di rivedere tale position, which affects serious professionals, and with them, a part of public health that are the envy of all Europe (Applause Members of the Democratic Party).
Order 9/1386/214 Giono.
The Chamber, said that
given the recent conversion into law of decree-law May 16, 2008, No 85, which reduces the number of ministries and, in particular, brings together the Ministry of Health in the Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Policy;
having regard to the provisions contained in Decree-Law No 112, 2008;
the combination of both pieces of legislation will result in:
a) the dismantling of the existing organizational structures and the drastic reduction of human resources, functional areas and management, which render meaningless the mission of the Ministry;
b) block the stabilization of the permanent staff and, in particular, the forecast is not a legal possibility of gradual assumption that the managers of health professionals, with contract term, which would slow down and, in some cases, the blocking of institutional activities;
in particular, what will happen to the staff veterinarian, who, recruited following public health emergencies, such as bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) and avian influenza, through public selection over time has ensured high standards of service quality to protect salute pubblica, garantendo la sicurezza alimentare e la sanità pubblica veterinaria,
impegna il Governo
ad adottare gli opportuni provvedimenti legislativi per valorizzare il ruolo di questo personale, assicurandone la stabilizzazione, al fine di garantire i livelli che fino ad oggi, di concerto con i ruoli dei servizi sanitari territoriali, ha permesso un alto grado di efficienza a favore della sanità pubblica. 9/1386/214. Viola.
(Esame degli ordini del giorno - A.C. 1386-A )
PRESIDENTE . Passiamo all'esame degli ordini del giorno presentati (vedi l'allegato A - A.C. 1386-A ).
PRESIDENTE . L'onorevole Viola ha facoltà di illustrare suo ordine del giorno n. 9/1386/214 .
RODOLFO Giulio Viola . Mr. President, in recent years we have seen, depending on the situation, wavering attitudes concerning the issues of prevention in all areas of public health. We think that in a modern state prevention should be a key instrument of protection of health and thus the attitude that, in contrast, should be consistent and costante.Altri agendas and actions of colleagues in the Democratic Party when amendments are as noted, for example, in prevention safety in the workplace, the Government, by Decree-law in question, push towards the reduction of the presence of technical prevention, an essential tool for any control and prevention. It strikes across the board, therefore, the opportunity for the State to play its essential role in this materia.In that effect, in the order of the day in question we want to express our concern that opens InPage. 113maniera creeping clearing the role of another key sector of prevention, namely that of veterinary public role that is now applicable across the entire food supply chain control and the relationship, which has become the social point of view, between man and animals . However, denying the stabilization of the leaders of the Ministry of Health, and between the veterinarians, you begin to introduce the idea that the article of knowledge and professionalism that ensured high levels of public health can be dismantled. As the Minister Brunetta fails to work harder and better than any public official or reduce the number where there is more need, cut the weak and unprotected, the precarious indeed, indiscriminately, and professionals over the years have possible to deal with - and successfully - internazionali.Ne mention two serious health scares for all: in Italy the BSE outbreak in Europe took a decade, has caused one death, compared to hundreds of Great Britain and France. Avian influenza in Italy was stopped at the border. I could go on and on. If things went well, lo si deve ad un sistema sanitario basato su una rete che va dal controllo alla frontiera fino all'attività delle aste editoriali, passando attraverso il lavoro degli istituti zooprofilattici.L'idea che si possa fare a meno di un pezzo di questo sistema, dopo che il precedente Governo invece si era impegnato a stabilizzarlo, ci preoccupa, proprio per l'idea che un nuovo modello di sanità pubblica possa affermarsi attraverso la riduzione dei controlli, con gravi rischi per la salute pubblica. Dal 2009 si passerà, quindi, ad un sistema più simile a quello inglese o francese, che, come abbiamo visto, in questo settore non hanno brillato certo per efficienza.Proprio per questo, con l'ordine del giorno in esame chiediamo al Governo di rivedere tale position, which affects serious professionals, and with them, a part of public health that are the envy of all Europe (Applause Members of the Democratic Party).
Order 9/1386/214 Giono.
The Chamber, said that
given the recent conversion into law of decree-law May 16, 2008, No 85, which reduces the number of ministries and, in particular, brings together the Ministry of Health in the Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Policy;
having regard to the provisions contained in Decree-Law No 112, 2008;
the combination of both pieces of legislation will result in:
a) the dismantling of the existing organizational structures and the drastic reduction of human resources, functional areas and management, which render meaningless the mission of the Ministry;
b) block the stabilization of the permanent staff and, in particular, the forecast is not a legal possibility of gradual assumption that the managers of health professionals, with contract term, which would slow down and, in some cases, the blocking of institutional activities;
in particular, what will happen to the staff veterinarian, who, recruited following public health emergencies, such as bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) and avian influenza, through public selection over time has ensured high standards of service quality to protect salute pubblica, garantendo la sicurezza alimentare e la sanità pubblica veterinaria,
impegna il Governo
ad adottare gli opportuni provvedimenti legislativi per valorizzare il ruolo di questo personale, assicurandone la stabilizzazione, al fine di garantire i livelli che fino ad oggi, di concerto con i ruoli dei servizi sanitari territoriali, ha permesso un alto grado di efficienza a favore della sanità pubblica. 9/1386/214. Viola.
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