was held today at 10.00 at the Auditorium of Ribotta way, the assembly of employees of the Ministry of Health. During the discussion it was noted the commitment to pursuing a progressive depletion of its human resources and finance. Is then written a letter, of which we give the full text, addressed to various members of the government to denounce the state of agitation.
The Hon Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi
the Secretary of State at the Presidency of the Hon Consigiio Gianni Letta
The Minister of Labour, Health and Welfare Maurizio Sacconi Hon
The Minister of Economy and Finance Giulio Tremonti Hon
the Hon Minister of Public Renato Brunetta
the Secretary of State for Health Prof. Ferruccio Fazio
'E' being converted into law on May 16, 2008 Decree, No. 85, "Provisions urgent for the adaptation of governance structures under deii'art. 1, paragraphs 376 and 377 of Law December 24, 2007, No. 244, "which reduces the number of ministries and. in particular, brings together the Ministry of Health (the only case in Europe) in the ministry of Labour, Health and Social Policy. The employees of the "Ministry of Health, and (UIIC ferrmamente the unions are convinced that we must maintain the autonomy of the Ministry, for its powers also irreplaceable and the need for an institutional reference for health care in the international context. The Ministry. Furthermore, it is essential for health choices that affect the whole country, for the promotion and financing of scientific research, for the preparation of the National Health Plan, for the maintenance of Essential Assistance Levels and Performance, for the relations between the State and the Regions, to face up the risks of any impending health emergencies of national or supranational, food safety and animal health, for the prophylaxis international trade for the Community and third countries e. as of responsibility, to protect life and health at work. Today, July 8, 2008, at the place of audiloriun2 Ribotta street, was held a General Assembly, with the presence of all clinical Unions. and all employees of the Ministry.
During the discussion it was noted that, despite the reassuring forecasts and schedules in the pre election, even after the enactment of Decree Law 'Tremonti' No 112, June 25, 2008, is demonstrate the will to pursue a progressive depletion of the Ministry of Health and, consequently, its human and financial resources resulting in the dismantling of the same. In particular, has taken note of the weather affecting an obvious than others, this Ministry. 1. dismantling of existing organizational structures and the drastic reduction of human resources, management and functional areas, which render meaningless the mission of the Ministry, 2. block the stabilization of the permanent staff and, in particular, the forecast is not a legal possibility of increasing stabilization of the managers of the health professional, with fixed-term contract, which would slow down and, in some cases, the blocking of institutional activities 3. the significant reduction of wages reported to the Funds Administration of Single and art. 7 cx Law 362 del 1999, istituito a fini perequativi interni, che porterebbe conseguenti problemi di contenzioso e di conflitto tra le varie categorie di lavoratori. Il personale ha espresso unanimemente la volontà di intraprendere ogni azione di lotta permanente, ivi compresa l’immediata proclamazione da parte delle OO.SS. di uno sciopero, con il conseguente blocco delle attività degli Uffici Centrali e Periferici, con pesanti ripercussioni per l’utenza, a sostegno del mantenimento dell’autonomia del Ministero della salute e contro gli effetti negativi prodotti dal decreto legge “Tremonti” n.l 12/2008, che tende a privare i dipendenti pubblici dei diritti contrattuali, delle prerogative professionali ed economiche acquisite. Pertanto, in order to comply with the mandate of the Assembly, signed the Trade Unions declared a state of agitation. "
July 8, 2008 SIGNATURE:
'E' being converted into law on May 16, 2008 Decree, No. 85, "Provisions urgent for the adaptation of governance structures under deii'art. 1, paragraphs 376 and 377 of Law December 24, 2007, No. 244, "which reduces the number of ministries and. in particular, brings together the Ministry of Health (the only case in Europe) in the ministry of Labour, Health and Social Policy. The employees of the "Ministry of Health, and (UIIC ferrmamente the unions are convinced that we must maintain the autonomy of the Ministry, for its powers also irreplaceable and the need for an institutional reference for health care in the international context. The Ministry. Furthermore, it is essential for health choices that affect the whole country, for the promotion and financing of scientific research, for the preparation of the National Health Plan, for the maintenance of Essential Assistance Levels and Performance, for the relations between the State and the Regions, to face up the risks of any impending health emergencies of national or supranational, food safety and animal health, for the prophylaxis international trade for the Community and third countries e. as of responsibility, to protect life and health at work. Today, July 8, 2008, at the place of audiloriun2 Ribotta street, was held a General Assembly, with the presence of all clinical Unions. and all employees of the Ministry.
During the discussion it was noted that, despite the reassuring forecasts and schedules in the pre election, even after the enactment of Decree Law 'Tremonti' No 112, June 25, 2008, is demonstrate the will to pursue a progressive depletion of the Ministry of Health and, consequently, its human and financial resources resulting in the dismantling of the same. In particular, has taken note of the weather affecting an obvious than others, this Ministry. 1. dismantling of existing organizational structures and the drastic reduction of human resources, management and functional areas, which render meaningless the mission of the Ministry, 2. block the stabilization of the permanent staff and, in particular, the forecast is not a legal possibility of increasing stabilization of the managers of the health professional, with fixed-term contract, which would slow down and, in some cases, the blocking of institutional activities 3. the significant reduction of wages reported to the Funds Administration of Single and art. 7 cx Law 362 del 1999, istituito a fini perequativi interni, che porterebbe conseguenti problemi di contenzioso e di conflitto tra le varie categorie di lavoratori. Il personale ha espresso unanimemente la volontà di intraprendere ogni azione di lotta permanente, ivi compresa l’immediata proclamazione da parte delle OO.SS. di uno sciopero, con il conseguente blocco delle attività degli Uffici Centrali e Periferici, con pesanti ripercussioni per l’utenza, a sostegno del mantenimento dell’autonomia del Ministero della salute e contro gli effetti negativi prodotti dal decreto legge “Tremonti” n.l 12/2008, che tende a privare i dipendenti pubblici dei diritti contrattuali, delle prerogative professionali ed economiche acquisite. Pertanto, in order to comply with the mandate of the Assembly, signed the Trade Unions declared a state of agitation. "
July 8, 2008 SIGNATURE:
Ministry of Health, Ministry of Health PA UIL, UIL PA leadership.
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