Today the meeting of the General Assembly of the Employees of the former Ministry of Health held at 13.15 at the Auditorium of Ribotta street in Rome, it was decided to organize a sit-in protest Monday, July 14 at Via Veneto in Rome where 100 people can participate. This is the number of people who had authorized the police to protest against the merger of the Ministry and its related consequences. " not be ruled out, however, that we can participate as individuals walking up and down the Via Veneto " say the speakers of the Assembly. It 'also prepared a statement summarizing the reasons for the protest, we will publish on the blog as soon as they come into our possession. The bus to the Via Veneto start next Monday at 8:30 from the square on Via Ribotta. Were prepared slogans and songs just for the sit-in. Come along ...
La Red.
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