Friday, January 28, 2011

Streamin South Park English

About what happens in Egypt

write on the morning of Friday, January 28, 2011. Today is a good day for me and for all Egyptians. After Friday prayers, there will be demonstrations in every city in ancient Egypt and the head of the Cairo, Alexandria, Suez and other hot spots.
It all started on the internet. After several failed attempts to bring together young people and carry them from the virtual world of social networking to the real world. The young Egyptians certainly encouraged by the experience of Tunisia, have made it!
Yesterday young activists have posted on various sites, despite the slowness of the network and also temporarily blocked, and sometimes for long hours, facebook and twitter, a document explaining the reasons behind this movement that is above all opposition parties and small parties in Egypt.
The document is entitled: Everything you want to know on Friday January 28 of Anger.
Young people define it as:
"Who we are: we are young Egyptians on the network. Young people from facebook, Twitter and YouTube. We decided 20 days ago, to organize a demonstration on 25 January, they should start a series of modifications and changes throughout Egypt, rejecting all that has happened in the recent period. The government refused to listen to our protests. Therefore, we decided to go down the road, forcing managers to make our voices heard. And so we went down last Tuesday. There were tens of thousands of Egyptians without distinction. Since that time and events are not interrupted and will continue. The situation in Egypt has become so difficult. The people are very stove and asks for a real change and is trying to have his rights. The demonstrations were peaceful and civilized, but the brutal police intervention has caused the deaths of seven people in the city of Suez. Many were injured, and many are are arrested. The situation has become more complicated and everything will go down today to cry out loudly demanding our rights and do not return to our homes unless these rights are recognized and implemented. "
And the main reasons behind this great sense of anger, widespread among the majority of young Egyptians, young people continue in their paper:
"because it manifests? Egypt is going through one of the worst moments in all its ancient history. Despite reports that the Egyptian government used to give a false image of Egypt under his regime, it is clear that the reality of Egypt is well different. We took to the streets of Egypt is the sign of the end of this regime. The end of a long era of silence and submission. It is the beginning of a new page in the history of Egypt. January 25 was not a coup but a revolt against the government and against the regime. There are more than 30 million Egyptians who suffer from melancholy. There are more than 100 000 attempts suicide only in 2009 that caused the death of 5000. In Egypt there are 48 million poor people, including 2 million and a half living in extreme poverty. 12 million homeless, of which half a million and half living in the tombs of the cemetery. Egypt is in a state of systematic corruption, and there are many causes nei tribunali che parlano di grandi somme, più di 39 miliardi di lire egiziane, frutto di corruzione, solamente in un anno. I giovani disoccupati in Egitto superano i 3 milioni. La percentuale della disoccupazione, tra i giovani in Egitto, arriva al 30%. Abbiamo il tasso più alto per la morte dei bambini, 50 bambini per ogni mille operazioni di parto. Quasi la metà dei bambini egiziani subiscono l’anemia, 8 milioni dei cittadini egiziani hanno virus c. Abbiamo più di 100 mila malati di cancro registrati in un solo anno, per l’inquinamento dell’acqua e non abbiamo che un’ambulanza per 35 mila di cittadini. E abbiamo anche le leggi dell’emergenza che dominano l’Egitto da lunghi anni e che hanno causato la morte of dozens of innocent citizens, and the arrest of thousands and thousands without any legal grounds. And lately we have followed the false parliamentary elections, which gave the party of the Rais, the National Democratic Party, the majority with more than 90% of seats in parliament. "
The demands of the young activists are clear:
" 1. Take action to eliminate the problem of poverty from Egypt, while respecting the legal ruling has set a minimum wage and increase public support in the areas of public health, education and helping young unemployed with unemployment benefits.
2. Cancel the emergency law and extend the authority of state attorneys general on the police headquarters to stop the abuse and torture against opposition and the public.
3. The resignation of Interior Minister, for the widespread lack of security in Egypt, witnessed several incidents of terrorist incidents, the spread of crime throughout the Egyptian territory, sometimes at the hands of officers or elements linked to the Ministry of Interior .
4. Changing the constitution to not allow the president to govern more than two terms. the dissolution of parliament and the use of new elections to allow Egyptians to choose their deputies. "
These are the issues listed, as required by dei giovani attivisti egiziani. E poi ci sono elenchi con i punti di raggruppamento dopo la preghiera del venerdì. Nell’elenco non ci sono solamente moschee, ma anche chiese. Un’ennesima prova sul fatto che musulmani e cristiani fanno parte del medesimo tessuto sociale in Egitto. Tutti i giovani egiziani vogliono cominciare una nuova pagina. E tutti sperano che il prezzo di questa decisione popolare non sia la sangue di nuovi martiri sia nelle fila dei manifestanti, sia in quelle della polizia.
pubblicato su Amisnet:
e Minareti


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