Thursday, October 30, 2008

Sale Your Blood In Chicago

This time we're really in the pipeline? The

We report the full text of the notice published by the association and union ASSOMED-Sivemp ANMVI Today also reported by us on October 30 and the two news agencies "Kronos Health" and "Agency SAY" on the 'n.1441 amendment to a legislative measure that extends the duration of our contract ... we are really in the pipeline?
remember, moreover, as reported by ANMVI Today in the same note, that on 3 November in Cremona will hold a meeting at the headquarters of the National Association of Veterinarians veterinary precarious with management of the Ministry of Health and trade unions to make of the situation.
Eccovi, dunque, il testo della nota pubblicata dall'Assomed-Sivemp:

E’ in dirittura d’arrivo un emendamento per stabilizzare i precari dell’ex Ministero della salute. Il Sottosegretario Fazio ha mantenuto l’impegno assunto con ASSOMED SIVEMP proponendo, in accordo con le nostre richieste, un emendamento governativo al provvedimento n. 1441. Il Ministero del Lavoro, Salute e Politiche sociali ha chiesto l’approvazione dell’emendamento ai Ministeri del Tesoro and FP and through the Ministry of Relations with Parliament is pending in the Senate. The rule provides for the temporary stabilization of serving on September 30, 2008 with renewable contracts lasting five years. ASSOMED-SIVEMP has consistently argued that constructive engagement is to achieve an appropriate and definitive solution for those who have lost their jobs in 2009. ASSOMED SIVEMP follow-up to the end of the path of the amendment and will maintain a vigilance to avert any sabotage and SUPERR obstacles that may arise. As it is clear that doctors and veterinarians from the Health Ministry will pay tribute to a happy outcome to this claim, as promises that, if they were betrayed expectations so far generated and guaranteed by the executive, the situation could become uncontrollable.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Answers To Wards Ap Biology Lab 2

ASSOMED SIVEMP meets dr.Celotto the presence of fixed-term colleagues ...

We report the complete text from the site of 'ASSOMED SIVEMP ( )

respect to 'Meeting convened by Mr Farage F. (vice-president dell'ASSOMED SIVEMP), dr. G. Cavallero (dell'ANAAO deputy national secretary), and Dr. P. Ugolini (National Secretariat Sivemp) during which my fellow speakers, members and the sindacato di categoria ,hanno avuto la possibilità di conoscere la posizione dell'Amministrazione, nella figura del dr. Celotto, in merito agli sviluppi futuri della nostra situazione.

La redazione spera che analoghe iniziative vengano intraprese anche dalle altre OO.SS...

Assemblea ASSOMED SIVEMP del 3 ottobre 2008 dedicata ai
problemi dei Colleghi con contratto a tempo determinato.

Oggi durante l’Assemblea dell’ASSOMED SIVEMP l’Amministrazione, su
specifica nostra richiesta, ha preannunciato l’imminente presentazione,
nei prossimi giorni, di un emendamento al Decreto collegato the Financial
(1441 c) that the Ministry of Labour in consultation with the Secretary with responsibility for staff
Dr. Fazio are developing.
look forward to the afternoon of Monday, October 6
the proposed amendment, which will give wide dissemination to assess whether this is consistent
prepared and capable of giving continuity to the role, functions and
the continuation of employment of officers and gentlemen
of the health professions. The Board of Directors
Rome, October 3, 2008

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Sentences About Juice


ANMVI Reported by today's October 2, 2008, news of a discussion in Parlamneto which covered our situation.

XII Commission yesterday afternoon in the Chamber of Deputies, the Secretary for Health with responsibility for veterinary Francesca Martini held a hearing on possible risks to public health posed by the importation of powdered milk in Italy from China. The debate did pin on the guarantees that come from the veterinary checks, praised by all the governments and no one has worked on a measure of stabilization.
The recalled during the debate, parliamentary colleagues Gianni Mancuso (PDL) and Rodolfo Viola (PD).
Mancuso said that "not a minor part of the merits of a service di prevenzione di eccellenza spetta ai circa 200 medici veterinari che operano presso i P.I.F., gli U.V.A.C. ed il Ministero della Salute. Questi valenti professionisti sono mortificati da un contratto di lavoro di tipo precario, che data da lunghi anni e che dovrà al più presto essere trasformato in contratto a tempo permanente". Mancuso ha ricordato di aver presentato un idoneo atto ispettivo al Governo all'inizio della Legislatura".
Viola ha dichiarato: "Il governo promette maggiori controlli alle frontiere sulle importazioni di latte in polvere dalla Cina ma non garantisce l'assunzione di chi dovrebbe eseguire questi controlli. Se il sottosegretario Martini annuncia maggiori controlli sulle importazione di latte dalla Cina, il suo collega Brunette does not guarantee the stabilization of the employees who should do the checks themselves. The checks at the borders of the imported goods are guaranteed by the staff of the veterinary border, as well as the control system are marginally employed under fixed term contract until 31 December. After that date, according to what the minister of public contracts are not renewed, and so can no longer be insured border controls. This, among other health personnel is recruited through lists they have access to public selection, thus meeting the criteria Brunetta. The ministers before speaking, to agree among themselves, especially when it comes to health the Italians. "The College had presented a Purple agenda in favor of casual, rejected by the Secretary Vegas.
But well before the 'amendment Brunetta, obscuring the horizon of employment of veterinary surgeons dealing with controls was the cross-border law 120/2007, signed by the then Health Minister Livia Turkish, which has raised the role of former managers of helpers stop right in spite of the Court of Auditors to increase the number of managers at the Ministry of Health . Now the ranks of the opposition, Hon Livia Turkish stabilization claim: "The system controls our country stands on the pillars, or" the veterinarians operano all'interno delle Asl. Molti di essi - ricorda l'esponente del Pd - sono precari, e il ddl 112 non ha previsto la loro stabilizzazione. Da qui, il rischio che l'intero sistema venga meno".
Intanto, l'emendamento Brunetta che vuole dipendenti della Pubblica Amministrazione solo per concorso e riserva una quota di assunzione ai precari non dirigenti, viene ritirato. Lo dichiara il Sottosegretario alla Salute Ferruccio Fazio: "Discuteremo la questione nei prossimi mesi con Brunetta con cui - ribadisce Fazio - il rapporto e' eccellente e ciò ci darà la possibilità di discutere e differenziare le logiche del mondo della ricerca dagli altri comparti pubblici". "Il nostro ministero - ha aggiunto Fazio - e' aperto alla questione dei precari Search though the economic and covered 'and that' and you have to deal with the recession. We are facing a recession worse than 1929. But we must not turn back, who has many years of insecurity in the search should be stabilized. "

Monday, September 29, 2008

Top Of Rhe Knee Skirts

Meanwhile, "our" Sacconi Minister meets our colleagues in precarious leadership of the Veneto region, e. .. maybe now it's up to us.

We report an interesting news from the site of the precarious precarius of Health (see link below right) in which we learn that some executives precarious our colleagues are able to obtain a hearing before the Minister Sacconi.. Of course, regardless of the particular case and how the Minister intends to deal with it, the important point, in our view, is that my colleagues have been "heard" ... Here is the full text.
La Red.

"A delegation of the Executive Committee of the Veneto Precarious Health, led by Giampiero Avruscio and composed by Pierluigi Policastro, Rosamaria Quatraro, Sonia Daniela Sanavio Boy and was received by Minister Sacconi Saturday, September 20th at Cortina. The Committee for a long time fighting against injustice and exploitation of medical directors, veterinarians, psychologists, biologists, chemists, engineers, administrative and support the smooth functioning of public healthcare facilities in the Veneto region and are in many cases, the par excellence. 'was launched recently a Regional Law laying the groundwork for the stabilization of about 270 doctors and veterinarians. Many managers do not expect doctors to end years of unfair treatment than their employees, the burden on the precariousness of life of individuals and their families. The Council of Ministers appealed to the Constitutional Court against the decision of the Veneto Region, causing even more discomfort and lack of motivation in not more insecure young leaders (some live in this situation for over 10 years!). The degree of civilization of a country or a region is directly proportional to the opportunities and possibilities to look with serenity to its own future. A country or a region has not seen and not heard, that discourage e allontana le sue forze migliori, come quelle dei dirigenti precari della sanità, è un Paese o una Regione che non ha futuro! Dopo una sintetica presentazione della problematica esposta da Avruscio, al Ministro Sacconi è stata chiesta una solidarietà attiva! Il Ministro ha affermato di conoscere bene la questione e che sta lavorando insieme agli altri Ministri coinvolti, per trovare una soluzione coerente con le diverse realtà sanitarie regionali. Il Ministro ha chiaramente detto che la stabilizzazione dei dirigenti interni alla sanità sarà collegata e condizionata dallo stato finanziario delle diverse Regioni e delle diverse Aziende ULSS. La procedure che stanno pensando di concerto con gli altri componenti del Governo interessati, will be increasingly linked with the development of fiscal federalism: the regions with the most virtuous and accounts in order will be favored. The idea is expressed by the Minister to release the competitions in the region with accounts of the Health Section in order - including Veneto - and thus enable the Directors General of Local Health Units virtuous to be more free to hold competitions for jobs vacancies instead of continuing to hold the same posts with temporary staff. The Minister has repeatedly stated that he could not say more because the issue is still being defined, but in the calendar of the Government in the development of federalism. The impression had been taken as a whole positive ... although there are regions that had not received the appeal of the Prime Minister! Meanwhile, the Veneto Region has instructed the lawyer prof. Perulli for the defense. "

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Wedding Program Wording With Deceased Family

CONTAMINATED MILK: MA The controls are "precarious"

ANMVI From today, 23 September, shows the declaration of the Undersecretary Francesca Martini for us vets.

Welfare Undersecretary Francesca Martini has every reason to rely on cross-border veterinary checks to ensure the safety of the milk consumed in our country and that no contaminated batch arrivals in EU territory. Not to mention, however, dependent da personale precario.
L'Associazione Nazionale Medici Veterinari Italiani ricorda al Governo in un comunicato stampa che gli uffici preposti a questi controlli, sia centrali che periferici del Ministero del Welfare, contano sulla professionalità di medici veterinari con contratti in scadenza.
E' quindi urgente definire la stabilizzazione dei precari che lavorano nei Posti di Ispezione Frontalieri e agli Uffici per gli Adempimenti Comunitari, oltre che nella sede centrale del Ministero del Welfare, ai quali si deve la costante vigilanza sui prodotti alimentari e sugli animali vivi oggetto di transazioni intra ed extracomunitarie.
Questo personale si sente fortemente motivato e coinvolto a svolgere i delicati compiti a cui viene chiamato; molti di bring their extensive experience in the service of Health, during which they faced many emergency situations, demonstrating the ongoing need for their intervention.
Already at its debut on the Secretary with responsibility for food security, FAO, the Secretary had stressed the importance of border controls to ensure European consumers and Italian. But this awareness must be flattering that the government do take practical steps to stabilize its employees and also give greater certainty to the actions of preventive medicine at the border.

Bleeding A Week After Period Ends

ILO Meeting on the Convention in Rome ....

UIL organized about a meeting Wednesday, Oct. 8, from 14 to 20, in Via S. Nicolas Tolentino 27, Rome, to illustrate different aspects of the contract specialist to the Convention for an indefinite period for veterinarians, pharmacists, chemists and biologists of the Ministry.
appreciated the participation of the members and not because it is an excellent opportunity to explore with all aspects of this contract.
We send the map to reach the headquarters of the ILO. 20San% 20Nicola 20Tolentino% 20da%,% 20Roma

Monday, September 22, 2008

Coloring Pages Of Monster Energy Drink


read ANMVI today by the September 19 c.m. l'ennesima poco confortante dichiarazione del Ministro Brunetta. Con questo clima....è buona logica non rifiutare a priori qualsivoglia proposta venga fatta per rendere stabile il nostro contributo lavorativo al Ministero. E tra queste non vanno assolutamente escluse quelle iniziative che prevedono il tempo indeterminato.
La Red.

"Nella pubblica amministrazione si entrera' solo per concorso e chi ha un contratto a termine alla scadenza del proprio lavoro non potra' accampare diritti". E' quanto ha dichiarato a Radio Radicale il ministro della Funzione pubblica, Renato Brunetta. "Basta con i precari - ha aggiunto Brunetta - nella pubblica amministrazione si entra solo per concorso. Just keep hanging people with job insecurity. In the public administration should enter the contest and when you have won a contest there must be at work. "Brunetta
He reports that the AGI has also announced it is studying a rule on the issue:" We are preparing a new standard review the rules of the Prodi government that without funding had assumed a 'todos caballeros' for all the hundreds of thousands of temporary workers. I'm talking about those holding non-standard contracts, not the winners of the competition they must have their place when the place becomes available.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Preston And Steve Orgasm Clip

meantime continue the work of the Coordination Precarious ...

While, therefore, we discuss open-ended agreement , il Coordinamento precari sulla scorta, anche, dei risultati ottenuti dall'audizione di Giugno scorso con il Capo Dipartimentp per la Sanità Pubblica Veterinaria, la Nutrizione e la Sicurezza degli Alimenti, dott. Romano Marabelli, organizza un incontro tra i rappresentanti degli uffici da tenersi a Bologna il 28/09/2008.

Vi riportiamo alcuni passi della recente Comunicazione del Coordinamento precari.

" Sin dal primo momento abbiamo sottolineato l’importanza di un incontro fisico di tutti i Rappresentanti per definire le linee guida del lavoro comune.. .(omissis)"

" Vogliamo anche ricordare that coordination is able to obtain a hearing with the Director Marabelli (June 10, 2008) creating a direct path of dialogue and confrontation ... (omitted) "These are the most important points emerged during the 'audition and reported also in the report of the meeting by some of the delegates then present Coordination (ed):
... only in autumn you can have some more news about it.
Meanwhile Marabelli did pass the message to put pressure on politicians.
The delegation asked Marabelli a subsequent meeting for that period; Marabelli also suggested the presence of Celotto, so it was agreed to an early October 2008
... (omitted) "

Following this, the Coordination considers necessary a meeting with its representatives of the Offices for" ... to proceed with the second hearing with the Director Marabelli "

Coordination has also welcomed the proposal received by the Representative of the Coordination for the 'no. DGSAN III of" ... send a request for hearing to the Secretaries of Fazio and Martini (and the Director Marabelli), and many colleagues, even outside of coordination, have responded positively, but then we did not know if the request has been submitted or not . "
The request for a meeting between representatives also moved by the need to deepen the already mentioned issue of the proposed agreement and are much discussed, advanced in recent weeks.

The Editorial Board can only wish you good work colleagues who will gather in Bologna ...

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Cover Letter To Jewellery Shop

The problem of insecurity is not serious but you can trivialize ...

We received a letter in writing about the contract specialist conventions, there appeared to be very indicative of the thinking of many of us. The experience of Charles (This is the name we chose is the colleague who wished to remain anonymous) is common to many colleagues and the preparation for this we abbiamo ritenuto utile pubblicarla. Speriamo possa far riflettere chi di noi ha posizioni contrarie. Buona lettura.
La Red.

Il problema del precariato è un problema serio, ma non lo si può banalizzare, mettendo tutti a ruolo " (Luglio, Governo, Sottosegretario alle Finanze Giuseppe Vegas in risposta a Viola).
Io banalizzerei il tutto iniziando il mio ragionamento da questa semplice frase con la quale il Governo esprime, a mio avviso molto chiaramente la sua impostazione nei confronti del NOSTRO problema (che poi, mi sembra di capire, è una impostazione generale nei confronti anche di altre situazioni di precariato).
Detto questo, premesso che, tra few months, do not question the "primary role of the veterinary leadership" but our job, it is clear that the strategy that leads to the maintenance of role (indefinite ) has to pass through a competition. We know, however, as the absorption of all of us Diprose should go for an increase in staffing of this property ...
In my opinion (but is obviously a very personal opinion) if we want to be realistic, goals such as increased staffing , competition, leadership role and dignity of the bargain and kept indefinitely (perfectly legitimate and acceptable), at present, seem to me frankly very difficult to achieve if not utopian.
Against this background, the proposed embedding through other ways, however, also observed in other situations, could be if only one alternative to be evaluated, especially for those who, frankly, let's face it, a possible competition in the hope trudge scrambling to have studied hard and well (!).
be because for years I was a veterinarian at AASSLL agreement and, after that, with contracts of assistant Co.Co.Co. for the Ministry, but my dignity did not depend so much from the "role" (not role) but I'd like me I asked myself against fellow directors and above of work. And in any case, apart from these considerations of a moral nature, is not that I had much choice, knowing that it has signed a temporary employment relationship . seems to me that in this period of economic stagnation and very negative climate certainly not favorable for the precarious, in which even the term "stabilization" meetings can lead to intolerance of public opinion (which sees in the expenditures of public resources, while we know that is not so, for what concerns us), alternative proposals should not be set aside so abruptly, but rather, it takes an extra effort to share in the battles for deep energy in our process of stable integration in the Ministry. This does not mean that after this first step and the achievement of indefinite duration, not being able to reach targets "high" including the management.

Mirena Iud Cost In India

communication service ...

communicate with hopefully more and more visitors to the blog Coprediprosa that this editorial board has contacted the Secretariat dell'ANMVI to inform the National Association of Italian Veterinary Doctors of the existence of the blog and possibly also to inform visitors of ANMVI today with an article. There was surprisingly responded that the veterinary profession that have already @ nmvi Today News of the blog, which is printed via the link and continue to do so in publishing news on this story. Of course, also because the blog is "fed" often extracts from articles published in the newspaper online information most frequently visited by veterinarians (ANMVI just today) and certainly expressing the thought of you all, the editorial board of the blog thank you very much .. .

Monday, September 15, 2008

About Land Surveying.pdf

"Possible contract for veterinarians in the Ministry," the ILO says ... a Sacconi...

The Secretary-General Carlo Fiordaliso UIL FPL has wrote to the Minister Maurizio Sacconi to submit to the stabilization of the former Ministry of Health precarious ", through transformation of contratto di lavoro a tempo determinato non di ruolo, in un contratto di tipo convenzionato a tempo indeterminato mediante l'applicazione delle norme contrattuali previste dal vigente Accordo Collettivo Nazionale (ACN) per la specialistica convenzionata interna, recepito dalla Conferenza Stato Regioni il 23 marzo 2005".
Fiordaliso ha formalizzato a luglio la proposta che viene ora resa nota pubblicamente in vista di un incontro con il Ministro Sacconi "mentre sono a buon punto gli accordi con le regioni per il superamento delle situazioni di lavoro precario, sia mediante l'applicazione degli AACCNNLL della dipendenza che gli ACN della medicina specialistica convenzionata, secondo le situazioni e le scelte fatte sulla base della realtà locale".
L'ACN "Already provides for the application of the same staff of the Health Service of the sailors of the former Ministry of Health, and the negotiating table is already underway within the Quality Department, General Directorate of Human Resources and Health Professions and chaired by the Director-General Dr. Giovanni Leonardi. "
The difficulties facing the precarious workers of the Ministry is unknown as are the economic and financial conditions of the country, but according to the proposal UIL FPL "the conversion of the employment contract of the precarious health care ministry, the present system to that proposed , in the first phase of implementation would be no increase in spending, why this restriction is already envisaged in the 'ACN del 23.03.05, in particolare nella norma finale n. 6."
Questa soluzione - conclude Fiordaliso- consentirebbe ai Dipartimenti dell'ex Ministero della Salute di non entrare in crisi al momento della fuoriuscita di personale che ormai da anni ha acquisito preziose competenze necessarie al buon andamento delle attività istituzionali".

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Cervix High And Soft Period Late

Dal sito dell'ANMVI notizie di noi...

Riportiamo un estratto dell'articolo apparso su ANMVI oggi del 2 settembre.

Martedì 2 settembre si è riunito a Roma il tavolo di concertazione ANMVI/ FedMed UIL FPL -SIVA. (Omississ)...

Il tavolo ha affrontato, accanto alle LEAVET other issues, the subject of veterinary precarious the Ministry of Health and analyzed the actions taken by Med Fed ANMVI and UIL FPL to find, each based on its role, a solution to the problem.

Claudio Fantini (ILO) said that as a union have moved directly to the Minister Maurizio Sacconi and that, while not lacking focus and determination in seeking to stabilize this year, the road is all uphill, you should then look Various proposals to ensure the continuity veterinarians precarious employment reaching a definitive stabilization in a few years. Certainties promised today would only create illusions. Are however, been evaluated several scenarios that will be pursued with maximum effort and commitment by both organizations ... (omitted).

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Vampire Strangler Ver Online

Al 41° Congresso Nazionale SIVeMP si parla di noi...

report that the 41 th National Congress of Sivemp held on September 4-5-6, AC Bressanone, there was also talk of us due to the intervention of my colleague Florian Farage, vice president of 'ASSOMED Sivemp, and our colleague Massimiliano Martelli Bonessi, representative of the Coordination of temporary managers of the former Ministry of Health. The full text of the two measures is shown on the site of Sivemp (02/09/2008), which you can access easily even from the "sights" of the Blog.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Mouse Poop Or Cockroach Poop

Comunicare di più e meglio...

Dear colleagues,

arrived in drafting the letter to Carla, who "denounces" a delay of communication in our "moves" for stabilization. We publish it as we receive it, not to fuel the controversy, but only to invite anyone with news, is not unique, to use the blog to spread as much as possible the initiatives put in place regarding our situation. Also state that in the previous post titled "The Government is committed ".... while actually reading his response actually receives as a recommendation to the agenda concerning the situation presented by our" friends "of Parliament. We thank connects to the ... Coprediprosa thanks to the blog ... with which he opens his letter because it confirms that the work is being done in preparation is not time wasted!

Carla's letter:

Dear colleagues, thanks to the Blog
Coprediprosa only today I had the happy surprise to know that the Order of the Day No. 9/1386/242 ( see appendix), by six MPs of the PDL has been accepted as a recommendation by the government July 23, 2008.
On 3 August, while I was on vacation, the Honourable Viola I phoned to see if we wanted it repeated in Parliament on August 4 an agenda on our stabilization and to give an answer, I consulted with colleagues both the FLP and the periphery of the center.
If we had known of the Order of the Day 242, proposed by the majority and accepted only as a recommendation, we considered it of little use to spend time with another OdG proposed by the opposition, but unfortunately no one informed us!
I hope that in future the information concerning the stabilization of our problems are reported more promptly, to avoid exhausting waste of energy.
Regards. Carla

republish the text of the Order of the Day 9/1386/242 con la conseguente risposta del Governo.

“La Camera,premesso che:i medici e i veterinari «precari» del Ministero della Salute hanno assolto in questi anni di «precariato» un ruolo importante, fronteggiando situazioni di criticità esistenti presso gli uffici del Ministero della Salute, rafforzando gli organici nei periodi delle emergenze sanitarie (BSE, Bioterrorismo, Mucca Pazza, Sars, Influenza Aviaria, emergenza caldo...), acquisendo giorno dopo giorno, dove non erano già presenti, conoscenze e titoli tali da consentire di essere sempre in prima linea e affiancando di fatto le professionalità di ruolo presenti all' interno del Dicastero;gli Uffici presidiati dai medici veterinari precari espletano un ruolo di prevenzione, sorveglianza e di tutela della salute che sarà fondamentale anche negli anni a venire;anche dal punto di vista della consistenza numerica in organico presso il Dipartimento per la sanità pubblica Veterinaria, la Nutrizione e la sicurezza degli alimenti, il personale medico e veterinario precario ha raggiunto e superato negli anni quello di ruolo fenomeno quest'ultimo più marcato negli uffici periferici del Ministero della salute,
impegna il Governo
ad adottare ogni inziativa utile a risolvere la succitata problematica tenuto conto che il personale interessato ha i contratti in scadenza nei prossimi mesi e che il decreto-legge in esame rende per il momento impraticabile il raggiungimento di una stabilizzazione di questo personale dirigente, composto da circa 200 precari tra medici, veterinari, chimici e farmacisti.9/1386/242. Abelli, Di Virgilio, Barani, Bocciardo, Patarino, Stagno d'Alcontres.”


“Il Governo accetta l’ordine del giorno
Bocciardo n. 9/1386/241, mentre accoglie
come raccomandazione gli ordini del
giorno Abelli n. 9/1386/242, …”

Atti Parlamentari — 13 — Camera dei Deputati

Monday, September 1, 2008

Nortel Unlock Voice Mailbox

Il Governo si impegna.....

the agenda No. 9 / 1386 / 242 six members of the PDL have committed the government to stabilize at this level of executives legilsatura professionailtà precarious health of the former Ministry of Health. This initiative comes as a result of strong pressure-dall'Assomed Sivemp, during the last meetings between the latter, the trade unions CGIL, CISL, UIL eDirStat and parliamentary contacts. For this ASSOMED SIVEMP was our colleague "precarious" Floriano Farag. The following is the full text

The Chamber, said that
physicians and veterinarians «precari» del Ministero della Salute hanno assolto in questi anni di «precariato» un ruolo importante, fronteggiando situazioni di criticità esistenti presso gli uffici del Ministero della Salute, rafforzando gli organici nei periodi delle emergenze sanitarie (Bioterrorismo, Mucca Pazza, Sars, Influenza Aviaria, emergenza caldo...), acquisendo giorno dopo giorno, dove non erano già presenti, conoscenze e titoli tali da consentire di essere sempre in prima linea e affiancando di fatto le professionalità di ruolo presenti all' interno del Dicastero;
gli Uffici presidiati dai medici veterinari precari espletano un ruolo di prevenzione, sorveglianza e di tutela della salute che sarà fondamentale anche negli anni a venire;
also in terms of numerical strength in staff at the Department of Veterinary Public Health, Nutrition and food safety, medical and veterinary precarious over the years has reached and exceeded that of the latter phenomenon more pronounced role in offices of the Ministry of Health,

commits the Government to take any useful initiative to solve the above problem given that the staff concerned have contracts expiring in the coming months and that the decree-law in question makes it impracticable for the time being achieve a stabilization of this senior staff, consisting of about 200 temporary workers, including doctors, veterinarians, chemists and pharmacists.
9/1386/242. Abelli, Di Virgilio, Barani, Bocciardo, Patarino, Stagno d'Alcontres.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

What Is The Hologram On The Ohio License?

L'On. Viola porta a casa un altro sonoro NO!

Leggevamo ieri questa nota dell'FLP:
" Vi informiamo, che l’On. Viola (PD), ha deciso di riformulare e ripresentare oggi pomeriggio in Parlamento un Ordine del Giorno, concernente le nostre assunzioni a tempo indeterminato.
Ringraziamo l’On. Viola per l’impegno che già dalla scorsa legislatura continua a dimostrare nel difendere il nostro futuro lavorativo. Come noi, anche l’On. Viola suggerisce di continuare a sensibilizzare via e-mail i Parlamentari chiarendo e ribadendo l’importanza del nostro lavoro, soprattutto per quanto riguarda la sicurezza alimentare del consumatore. Questo concetto di importanza fondamentale è da indicare specificatamente anche nell’oggetto delle vostre e-mail
Oggi invece leggiamo quest'altro messaggio:
" Il DL 112 era decisamente "blindato" e sono stati bocciati quasi tutti gli Ordini del Giorno, tra cui, purtroppo, anche quello proposto dall'On Viola relativo alla nostra assunzione a tempo indeterminato. Bisogna comunque continuare a scrivere per sensibilizzare i Parlamentari e chiedere al Governo di spiegare come intenda assicurare nel futuro l'efficienza degli uffici centrali e periferici dell'ex Ministero della Salute, un'efficienza necessaria per garantire all'Italia un adeguato livello di sicurezza alimentare, ma possibile solo grazie al lavoro di noi precari ".
E ci è proprio necessario ricevere questi no plateali dal Governo di fronte al Parlamento, ancor prima che, sia il nostro Ministro che quello della funzione pubblica venghino informati della nostra situazione e si esprimano a riguardo? Questi no , non potrebbero essere poi dei vincoli insormontabili per chi magari può e vuole prendere in seria considerazione la nostra situazione e portarla a soluzione. Nelle precedenti finanziarie la nostra srategia è stata più "classica". Abbiamo prima rivolto la richiesta della nostra stabilizzazione al Ministro Livia Turco, ne abbiamo parlato con i suoi sottosegretari, abbiamo ottenuto rassicurazioni e solo quando la situazione si è fatta "nera" abbiamo cominciato a chiedere di proporre, a parlamentari che sposano la nostra causa, le interrogazione parlamentari e le proposte di emendamento alla finanziaria relative alla nostra situazione. Vero è che quest'anno c'è minor coordinamento fra tutti noi.....e di questo non bisogna biasimare nessuno, ma un metodo corretto nel fare le cose di solito porta a risultati più brillanti. E noi un metodo negli anni scorsi ce l'avevamo! Meditate gente, meditate......
La Red.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Does Flucloxacillin Treat A Chest Infection

Intanto il Governo dice di no a Viola..!

Follow-up discussion of the bill: Conversion into law of decree-law of 25 June 2008, n. 112, entitled "Urgent provisions for economic development, simplification, competitiveness, the stabilization of public finance and tax equalization (AC 1386-A) (9.35 hours).
(Resumption of consideration of the agenda - AC 1386-A)
PRESIDENT . I invite the representative of the Government to express its opinion on the agendas presented
... ... ... ... ...

The Government welcomes the agenda as a recommendation Viola No 9/1386/214 , provided the device is reformulated by removing the words "ensure the stabilization," because obviously the problem of insecurity is a serious problem, but it can not be trivialized, putting everyone on the payroll.

Table Decorations For Baptism

Il SIVEMP incontra Fazio sul nostro precariato...

July 22, 2008 Yesterday a delegation of the Governing Council ASSOMED Sivemp was received by the Secretary
prof. Ferruccio Fazio on the specific theme of the precariousness of the directors of
health professional.
The meeting was also attended by Chief of Cabinet of Ministry of Labour
Lucretius Caro Monticelli, Vice Chief of Staff John Zotta, the Head of Department
Romano Marabelli, the General Staff Joseph Celotto and General Manager of Communication
Giuseppe Viggiano.
E 'was presented to the Secretary Fazio thorough examination of existing legislation and
were highlighted the negative impact of legislative decree 112 on the current organizational structure
and the consequent lack of opportunity for colleagues precarious.
It was agreed on the need to issue an interim order for the extension of fixed-term contracts
, but also to provide a re-plant organic
through which to build a clear and certain path to final stabilization.
were strongly reaffirmed the role and functions of health personnel of the Ministry
offices in central and peripheral, which assumed as a result of emergencies, now helps to ensure
with ordinary activities in compliance with EU legislation on animal health and food safety
, was also highlighted the indispensable role of such personnel
especially in a globalized system.
E 'has been pointed out that these figures highly professional
performing tasks of supervision and control under current EU regulations, the regulations have changed
the previous regulatory framework, making the activities no longer exceptional but
routine, as essential for the protection of public health.
It is also agreed that the continuation of activities in these precarious
managers were appointed, it is critical to avoid EU sanctions and damage to commercial and
image for the country. Finally
was stressed that stabilization does not involve a substantial burden for the Treasury, while the continuation of
brings significant revenue to the Treasury (
about 25 million € / year).
In principle, there is a further development towards the end of the month of August
in order to prepare legislative proposals as appropriate.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Delay In Periods By 6 Days

L'Onorevole Viola parla di noi alla Camera....

Seguito della discussione del disegno di legge: Conversione in legge del decreto-legge 25 giugno 2008, n. 112, recante disposizioni urgenti per lo sviluppo economico, la semplificazione, la competitività, la stabilizzazione della finanza pubblica e la perequazione tributaria (A.C. 1386-A ) (ore 9,07).
(Esame degli ordini del giorno - A.C. 1386-A )
PRESIDENTE . Passiamo all'esame degli ordini del giorno presentati (vedi l'allegato A - A.C. 1386-A ).
PRESIDENTE . L'onorevole Viola ha facoltà di illustrare suo ordine del giorno n. 9/1386/214 .
RODOLFO Giulio Viola . Mr. President, in recent years we have seen, depending on the situation, wavering attitudes concerning the issues of prevention in all areas of public health. We think that in a modern state prevention should be a key instrument of protection of health and thus the attitude that, in contrast, should be consistent and costante.Altri agendas and actions of colleagues in the Democratic Party when amendments are as noted, for example, in prevention safety in the workplace, the Government, by Decree-law in question, push towards the reduction of the presence of technical prevention, an essential tool for any control and prevention. It strikes across the board, therefore, the opportunity for the State to play its essential role in this materia.In that effect, in the order of the day in question we want to express our concern that opens InPage. 113maniera creeping clearing the role of another key sector of prevention, namely that of veterinary public role that is now applicable across the entire food supply chain control and the relationship, which has become the social point of view, between man and animals . However, denying the stabilization of the leaders of the Ministry of Health, and between the veterinarians, you begin to introduce the idea that the article of knowledge and professionalism that ensured high levels of public health can be dismantled. As the Minister Brunetta fails to work harder and better than any public official or reduce the number where there is more need, cut the weak and unprotected, the precarious indeed, indiscriminately, and professionals over the years have possible to deal with - and successfully - internazionali.Ne mention two serious health scares for all: in Italy the BSE outbreak in Europe took a decade, has caused one death, compared to hundreds of Great Britain and France. Avian influenza in Italy was stopped at the border. I could go on and on. If things went well, lo si deve ad un sistema sanitario basato su una rete che va dal controllo alla frontiera fino all'attività delle aste editoriali, passando attraverso il lavoro degli istituti zooprofilattici.L'idea che si possa fare a meno di un pezzo di questo sistema, dopo che il precedente Governo invece si era impegnato a stabilizzarlo, ci preoccupa, proprio per l'idea che un nuovo modello di sanità pubblica possa affermarsi attraverso la riduzione dei controlli, con gravi rischi per la salute pubblica. Dal 2009 si passerà, quindi, ad un sistema più simile a quello inglese o francese, che, come abbiamo visto, in questo settore non hanno brillato certo per efficienza.Proprio per questo, con l'ordine del giorno in esame chiediamo al Governo di rivedere tale position, which affects serious professionals, and with them, a part of public health that are the envy of all Europe (Applause Members of the Democratic Party).

Order 9/1386/214 Giono.
The Chamber, said that
given the recent conversion into law of decree-law May 16, 2008, No 85, which reduces the number of ministries and, in particular, brings together the Ministry of Health in the Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Policy;
having regard to the provisions contained in Decree-Law No 112, 2008;
the combination of both pieces of legislation will result in:
a) the dismantling of the existing organizational structures and the drastic reduction of human resources, functional areas and management, which render meaningless the mission of the Ministry;
b) block the stabilization of the permanent staff and, in particular, the forecast is not a legal possibility of gradual assumption that the managers of health professionals, with contract term, which would slow down and, in some cases, the blocking of institutional activities;
in particular, what will happen to the staff veterinarian, who, recruited following public health emergencies, such as bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) and avian influenza, through public selection over time has ensured high standards of service quality to protect salute pubblica, garantendo la sicurezza alimentare e la sanità pubblica veterinaria,
impegna il Governo
ad adottare gli opportuni provvedimenti legislativi per valorizzare il ruolo di questo personale, assicurandone la stabilizzazione, al fine di garantire i livelli che fino ad oggi, di concerto con i ruoli dei servizi sanitari territoriali, ha permesso un alto grado di efficienza a favore della sanità pubblica. 9/1386/214. Viola.

Why Do My Legs And Arms Ache Everyday?

Sit-in di protesta Faragò parla e RomaUno...

Il collega Faragò dell'AssomedSivemp durante il sit-in di ieri 21 luglio ha rilasciato un intervista a RomaUno dove ha parlato della situazione dell'ex Ministero della Salute e delle conseguenze del suo accorpamento.
Qui sotto il Link per vedere e ascoltare l'intervista.

Monday, July 21, 2008

2nd Anniversary Of Death Invitations

Interrogazione parlamentare dell' On. Mancuso

Here, we present the parliamentary question by Hon. No mancuso during the session 37 of Thursday, 17/7/2008:

question in response to Commission :
MANCUSO Gianni Hon. - The Minister of Labour, Health and Social Policy. - To know - given that: 75 percent of the Veterinary Department of Veterinary Public Health, Nutrition and Food Safety, framed in the current Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Policy, is precarious, these veterinarians manage public health emergencies in our country, guarantee the security of cargo in ports and airports in Europe are Italy, expressing even vote when it comes to action on policies relating to animal health and food safety, it is about 200 veterinarians former Ministry of Health, with an average of 10 years of insecurity behind it, whose work is valuable and essential for the safety of health of our country, but whose contract expires at year end -: if the Government intends to continue to keep in precarious condition of these professionals engaged essential for public safety, if the Government intends to take action to ensure the continuity of the essential contribution of these professional veterinarians through their stabilization.

Friday, July 11, 2008

How To Put That You Prefer Money On A Invitation


Today the meeting of the General Assembly of the Employees of the former Ministry of Health held at 13.15 at the Auditorium of Ribotta street in Rome, it was decided to organize a sit-in protest Monday, July 14 at Via Veneto in Rome where 100 people can participate. This is the number of people who had authorized the police to protest against the merger of the Ministry and its related consequences. " not be ruled out, however, that we can participate as individuals walking up and down the Via Veneto " say the speakers of the Assembly. It 'also prepared a statement summarizing the reasons for the protest, we will publish on the blog as soon as they come into our possession. The bus to the Via Veneto start next Monday at 8:30 from the square on Via Ribotta. Were prepared slogans and songs just for the sit-in. Come along ...
La Red.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Cute Small Sayings About Butterflys

Assemblea generale: si scrive al Ministro Sacconi...

was held today at 10.00 at the Auditorium of Ribotta way, the assembly of employees of the Ministry of Health. During the discussion it was noted the commitment to pursuing a progressive depletion of its human resources and finance. Is then written a letter, of which we give the full text, addressed to various members of the government to denounce the state of agitation.

The Hon Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi
the Secretary of State at the Presidency of the Hon Consigiio Gianni Letta
The Minister of Labour, Health and Welfare Maurizio Sacconi Hon
The Minister of Economy and Finance Giulio Tremonti Hon
the Hon Minister of Public Renato Brunetta
the Secretary of State for Health Prof. Ferruccio Fazio

'E' being converted into law on May 16, 2008 Decree, No. 85, "Provisions urgent for the adaptation of governance structures under deii'art. 1, paragraphs 376 and 377 of Law December 24, 2007, No. 244, "which reduces the number of ministries and. in particular, brings together the Ministry of Health (the only case in Europe) in the ministry of Labour, Health and Social Policy. The employees of the "Ministry of Health, and (UIIC ferrmamente the unions are convinced that we must maintain the autonomy of the Ministry, for its powers also irreplaceable and the need for an institutional reference for health care in the international context. The Ministry. Furthermore, it is essential for health choices that affect the whole country, for the promotion and financing of scientific research, for the preparation of the National Health Plan, for the maintenance of Essential Assistance Levels and Performance, for the relations between the State and the Regions, to face up the risks of any impending health emergencies of national or supranational, food safety and animal health, for the prophylaxis international trade for the Community and third countries e. as of responsibility, to protect life and health at work. Today, July 8, 2008, at the place of audiloriun2 Ribotta street, was held a General Assembly, with the presence of all clinical Unions. and all employees of the Ministry.
During the discussion it was noted that, despite the reassuring forecasts and schedules in the pre election, even after the enactment of Decree Law 'Tremonti' No 112, June 25, 2008, is demonstrate the will to pursue a progressive depletion of the Ministry of Health and, consequently, its human and financial resources resulting in the dismantling of the same. In particular, has taken note of the weather affecting an obvious than others, this Ministry. 1. dismantling of existing organizational structures and the drastic reduction of human resources, management and functional areas, which render meaningless the mission of the Ministry, 2. block the stabilization of the permanent staff and, in particular, the forecast is not a legal possibility of increasing stabilization of the managers of the health professional, with fixed-term contract, which would slow down and, in some cases, the blocking of institutional activities 3. the significant reduction of wages reported to the Funds Administration of Single and art. 7 cx Law 362 del 1999, istituito a fini perequativi interni, che porterebbe conseguenti problemi di contenzioso e di conflitto tra le varie categorie di lavoratori. Il personale ha espresso unanimemente la volontà di intraprendere ogni azione di lotta permanente, ivi compresa l’immediata proclamazione da parte delle OO.SS. di uno sciopero, con il conseguente blocco delle attività degli Uffici Centrali e Periferici, con pesanti ripercussioni per l’utenza, a sostegno del mantenimento dell’autonomia del Ministero della salute e contro gli effetti negativi prodotti dal decreto legge “Tremonti” n.l 12/2008, che tende a privare i dipendenti pubblici dei diritti contrattuali, delle prerogative professionali ed economiche acquisite. Pertanto, in order to comply with the mandate of the Assembly, signed the Trade Unions declared a state of agitation. "

July 8, 2008 SIGNATURE:
Ministry of Health, Ministry of Health PA UIL, UIL PA leadership.

Durvet Canine Spectra 5

Il Coordinamento Nazionale FLP Dirigenti Professionalità Sanitarie scrive al Ministro Sacconi

Honourable Minister, I am writing on behalf

of the National Coordination FLP Executives healthcare professional which is composed exclusively of permanent staff and was formed to try to find a solution to the instability of work that affects approximately 70% of veterinary del Ministero.

Nella lettera in allegato Le chiediamo la possibilità di avere un confronto diretto con Lei, per illustrarLe la nostra problematica e capire come il Ministero abbia intenzione di difendere il lavoro dei suoi dipendenti che, con professionalità e dedizione, giornalmente si impegnano a garantire il necessario livello di biosicurezza in Italia.

Distinti saluti,

B. Carla

Alleghiamo la lettera inviata al Ministro:

"Al Ministro del Lavoro, della Salute e delle Politiche sociali,
Onorevole Maurizio Sacconi
e p.c.
Al Sottosegretario di Stato On. Francesca Martini
Al Vice Capo Gabinetto Dott. Giovanni Zotta
Al Capo Dipartimento Dott. Romano Marabelli
Al Direttore Generale Dott. Giuseppe Celotto
Al Direttore Generale Dott.ssa Gaetana Ferri
Al Direttore Generale Dott. Silvio Borrello
Al Direttore Generale Dott. Fabrizio Oleari
All’On. Gianni Mancuso
All’On. Rodolfo Viola

Onorevole Ministro,

nel discorso che il sottosegretario Onorevole Francesca Martini ha tenuto il 4 giugno 2008 al vertice FAO, per la prima volta i servizi veterinari ministeriali periferici e centrali sono stati valutati fondamentali per la tutela della salute pubblica.

L’On. Martini ha spiegato come “l’abrogazione delle barriere doganali tra gli Stati aderenti all’Unione Europea e la conseguente soppressione dei controlli alle frontiere tra tali Paesi, nonché l’aumento degli scambi comunitari e delle importazioni dai Paesi Terzi delle merci, rappresentino senz’altro un possibile fattore di rischio per la diffusione delle patologie animali, zoonosi e tossinfezioni”. L’Influenza Aviaria, l’Afta, la Blue Tongue, la peste suina appartengono infatti alle così dette «Transboundary animal diseases (TADs) » in quanto “sono malattie contagiose epidemiche degli animali che possono diffondersi rapidamente, superare facilmente le frontiere nazionali e determinare serious socio-economic consequences and potential impact on public health. "
The Hon. Francesca Martini underlined that the veterinary peripheral and central government departments have a primary role in combating infectious diseases such diffusive. The BIP (Border Inspection Posts) and UVAC (Vets Compliance Office Community) control, in fact, every day all animal products and animals arriving from third countries and the European Union not only to ensure food security but also the legality of trade and welfare of animals. Emergency management at national level is instead entrusted to the veterinary services between their central co-ordination of tasks also have branch offices, relations with the various international agencies and risk assessment in food safety.

It is therefore evident that the veterinary services have a ministerial role in maintaining strategic in Italy of an appropriate biosafety level and is therefore essential that they are properly funded and managed. In this regard, it is necessary to point out that about 70% of the veterinary staff that handles these functions, ensuring the smooth operation, he was hired on short term contracts that go on in some cases, more than fifteen years, which is not only a lack guarantees for the future of the workers themselves but also for the effective functioning of the whole system of supervision and control of public health.

in various Italian regions, veterinarians precarious used in carrying out activities with institutional and continuously were included in stabilization processes. In the Memorandum of Understanding for the stabilization of the permanent staff of the medical and veterinary management of the Veneto Region (signed by Martin October 30, 2007 at that time also held the role of Health Department of the Veneto Region), is highlighted as this stabilization is a veterinarians recognize the "safeguards proprie del rapporto di dipendenza a tempo indeterminato a fronte di posizioni lavorative del tutto assimilabili per contenuti e stabilità a quelle coperte dal personale già inquadrato”. I dirigenti precari della professionalità sanitarie sono stati assunti dal Ministero della Salute con il contratto dei colleghi a tempo indeterminato in quanto occupano le stesse posizioni lavorative. Risulta quindi ingiustificato che a questi dipendenti non venga riconosciuta la stessa meritata tutela lavorativa necessaria per garantire non solo il loro futuro, ma anche per assicurare l’efficace funzionamento degli uffici ministeriali e, quindi, per tutelare il sistema di sorveglianza e controllo della sanità pubblica.

Lo scorso anno i direttori veterinarians and representatives of the ministerial branch offices have written a letter to Turkish Minister of Health Hon Livia calls for implementation of the commitment she promised to find a solution to the precarious health of the professional staff (see Annex 1).

We turn now to you asking to have the possibility of a direct confrontation, to expose them in more detail our history and to understand how the Ministry intends to defend the work of its employees who, with professionalism and dedication, every day undertake to ensure the necessary level of biosafety in Italy.

In attesa di un Suo cortese riscontro, ci è gradita l’occasione per porgerLe i nostri più distinti saluti.

Torino, 8 luglio 2008

Coordinatore Nazionale FLP Dirigenti Professionalità Sanitarie

Carla Bilewski

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Blueprints For A Take


Stamane alle 10.00 presso la sede del Ministero della Salute in via Ribotta a Roma, si è tenuta l'assemblea fra tutte le sigle sindacali e i dipendenti del ministero della salute, durante il quale all’unanimità dei presenti è stata firmata una lettera con cui si prendono le distanze dalla decisione di accorpare il ministero della salute a quello del work and calls for the protection of the rights of employees of the ministry of health. The meeting was also attended by the Director-General Dr. Celotto, who has made a commitment to support our efforts with a letter "parallel", written in the key technical and signed by all DGs, with which it demands respect for the prerogatives that characterize this ministry, first and foremost that the budget remains clear and distinct from the Ministry of Labour despite the merger. Required the unanimity of the present strike, is currently being considered that possibility, which could take a bit earlier in the afternoon as a rally in RIPA along the Tiber.

Daniela Z.